I leveled a WW Barb to 100- My journey, and why I feel scammed

Sure, I could reroll to something more capable of handling endgame content next season. But odds are it will suck by the time I reach the endgame, which was the entire point of this post.


What im saying is All i ever see from WW players in D4 is them wanting less gameplay mechanics that stop their whirlwind so they can just hold right click forever as opposed to getting better gear to do harder content, they just want to be able to do the hard content instantly and spin through it.

IDEK what im saying im just complaining the game is too easy in WT4 and always will be, i smoke too much ill be quiet now im stupid

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Thank you for sharing your experience.

This reply made me laugh for a minute straight. Great word choices!

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Literally no one is saying this. This guy just posted how he’s got to level 100, do you honestly think he has a gear problem at that level? The problem is at level 100 with basically maxed out gear, paragon board, etc, he’s only able to clear tier 70 comfortably. Bruh, how are you interpreting this post any different than what it says.


Because what im saying doesnt even have anything to do with the post, which is my bad i am sorry :rofl:

Im the person i hate, im sorry OP

I think it’s pretty clear you just want to sht on ww barbs while they’re low tier. I hope when your build gets nerfed people do the same to you

Edit: I take this back, pretty sure the guy is just stoned.

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I wouldn’t bother responding to WarlordBK. It’s just a waste of time.

I want every class to be nerfed the game is too easy on world tier 4, all dungeon bosses last 5seconds and are weaket than an elite fallen.

You don’t sound stupid here - you sound like you just haven’t reached the hardest content yet. Keep expressing your opinion with an open mind and heart. That’s what forums are for and we all learn from other peoples experiences.

/E and then you made your last post. Good god, man. That’s so far off base when you get to harder nm dungeons.

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There isnt hard content.

Only a number - X nightmare dungeon and Uber lilith.
Nothing inbetween.

In nightmare dungeon tier 60, I either 1shot kill the monsters with Hota or they 1shot kill me, I can only clear 50-55’s

Seasons typically don’t see much adjustment unless its like busted.

Season has stuff to help you level faster. You’re also exprienced now and understand the fastest leveling methods.

Grandfather in wt5 should help push ww futher. In theory now but to rare


bro what are you smoking.


Im being an idiot i know i sound stupid i shouldnt have commented.

As i said nightmare dungeons arent “Hard content”

Its just the same dungeon at a higher number, And resistances are bricked so generally the only thing that does tons of damage to you is elemental damage or explosions, not the monsters themselves.

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Nice post with nice summary. Yup, the sad reality of WW build is that it struggles to survive NMD 80 contents (in fact it will feel very hard after NMD 60).

Allow me to supplement, they not only nerf the CD but also the level increment of challenging shout, which is crazy. Barbs are not tough anymore and are required to stick to mobs consistently to dish out damage. It’s the real reason that Barb and WW is dead in high levels of play.

For damage output, you’ve mentioned most of it. A few million and occasionally 10 - 20 million per hit deserves nerfs? What a joke, look at the DPS of the other four classes when they are fully geared. Barb has two more weapons to spec, people wake up. I do not agree to nerfing other Classes but Barb seriously needs some QoL changes or buffs.

You invest more and you get less. Good luck in feeling good about yourself for regular contents between level 80 - 100 lmao.

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More of what I take from this, and I think many classes can relate; Blizzard released a beta under the guise of a full game. Classes started out with power, aspects were broken, and certain combinations were/are OP because they didnt test and think through their game. This gave players a taste of great cake, then it was taken away because of “balance/fix/nerf/whatever your perspective.” If things were corrected up front it would have prevented a lot of the investment and rough feeling when what you worked toward is no longer rewarding.


My gear is extremely good with the proper stat priorities (with good rolls) on every piece. Even a non unique god drop would be an extremely marginal improvement at best. The only gear for me to farm that would make a massive impact are Shako and Grandfather. I have as good of a chance at winning the actual lottery as I do at finding either of those items. And I would love for there to be more ‘gameplay mechanics’ for WW, and be able to run a more varied loadout instead of having to run triple shouts. The problem is, that isn’t realistic for hard content, because the Fury management for the Barbarian is so awful that nearly every class has to run 3 to have adequate uptime on their core skills. Last I checked, almost every build uses a core skill for their main source of damage.

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Don’t be a snail next time

Chill buddy. It’s OK to express yourself here. But it seems like you haven’t experienced the game deep enough.

I bet you will agree that every class should have at least 1 build that is able to clear all contents right? Be it uber lilith or nmd T100 (they are used as benchmarks because they are the “toughest” relative to the gears and synergies with your build). The fact, as OP and the others have pointed out, is that Barb is very bad in doing these BUT other Classes have ways of doing those way faster and easier than barb. This is a problem.

It’s not hard to find videos of Uber lilith killed in less/around 2 minutes for other classes but for Barb (see Rob’s video, the strongest barb arguably), it takes circa. 10 minutes. There are significantly less streamers with barbs who can finish NMD 100. They are even more selective in the sigil debuffs and the cleartime is not great.

I hope the explanation helps.

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Yeah man the late game itemization is sad , Hopefully season 1 will add some more rare uniques, Uniques and make them more acquirable!!

You are absolutely right and i sounded like a complete moron with what i was saying earlier.

Its not the whirlwinds players fault that their best option is to run the triple shouts 100%.

I also did really used to love whirlwind i think its the whole aspect meta set build system they created that puts me off it.
“Play your way” is absolutely not a thing with the way they designed these aspects and uniques :frowning: