I was trying to temper two very good sword (2GA + 3GA) with flay duration, guess what? I fail to get the flay one 12 times in a row!!! now I ended up with 2 total garbage swords that has rend mods on them. How can this kind of RNG be justified?!
You win some and you lose some. That is the point of RNG. I made an entirely new barb build last night with all new gear and tempers. Filled every slot with the right tempers in one play session. Not all were GA, but 3 pieces were 1 GA and one was 2 GA. All the gear I tempered were dropped in the session as well.
I then decided I didn’t like the build and made a new one instead that required another set of new gear with different tempers. I also farmed all the gear and got it all tempered with the right affixes as well. Don’t get me wrong it was a long play session (3 hours), but I got it done. That included lots of bricked pieces too.
I don’t expect to fill every slot with 3 GA items. I expect those to be rare and slow upgrades that more likely than not will not occur. However, getting a build up and running with all the right tempers and some 1-2GA items is very fast and easy.
This answer is so tired. Theres no way this many people can complain about the exact same thing without there being some merit to it.
Anyone who doesn’t mind bricking a 2GA item and a 3GA item and tries to claim its “part of the fun” is a liar.
They’re either
A liar and they haven’t bricked one
A liar and theyre not in the endgame
Blizzard’s random dev: “i want to give frustration to my gamers, not fun. I want to disrespect the numerous hours my gamers poured into the game to find good items, i dont care if it’s not fun for them, i will destroy their items and force them to keep grinding again for the same item.”
- Rod Fergusson: “Great idea!”
Just fire this clown allready.
I’m personally frustrated about the tempering system. Trying to make a good weapon for my build. Instead of feeling happy that I found a nice weapon with the correct stat buffed (which drops like almost never) , I only get frustrated more, because I know it will be wasted with rng tempering. Already broke 10 weapons trying to get it. The last one had all three stats buffed and could’ve been a big upgrade to my dps. This just pissed me off to the point I had to write it on this forum. There should be an option to reset the tempering, if you don’t want players to get frustrated.
Flay duration is on a temper with 5 options. That’s a 20% chance to hit.
Over 12 tempering rolls there is a 93.13 chance to see a 20% chance at least once.
Now if this was a single case I would believe just RNG doing it’s thing, but when everyone sees this stuff again and again something is suggesting it’s not so random.
It’s because they are weighted, and nobody knows what the weights are.
No - you assume that the percentages are an even distribution. They clearly aren’t, and nobody ever stated they were.
What if the distribution looked like this?
Flay (desired) - 5%
Power #2 - 15%
Power #3 - 35%
Power #4 - 25%
Power #5 - 20%
I’m assuming they aren’t random. You’re the one who said they are RNG.
Sigh… RNG is a random number generation. That’s seperate than assigning a number to a weighted result. They are two different things.
In the above example, a fair RNG of 1-100 still results in only 5/100 resulting in Flay.
The first assumption is that we get a fair (as possible given a computer) RNG. There may actually be a bug here at this point. We can’t know for sure.
The second assumption (yours) is that all outcomes are even probability. Given in the past (and actually present) how D4 weights drops, affixes, and even a previous iteration of the Enchantress - this is most likely true that they are weighted. The simplest explanation is that Tempers are weighted, and the weight percentages are hidden.
I expect in S5 we’ll see changes and more transparency in S5, much like how the Enchantress evolved.
Yeah, thats the issue.
I am in end game. I have bricked most of my 2 GA and 3 GA items. I am still having fun. I don’t need perfect gear so soon in a season. I don’t need it at all. It’s a carrot on a stick that might happen or might not.
It’s possible that people have a different opinion than you. Different people enjoy different things. That doesn’t make them a liar. Thinking that anyone who has an opinion different than yours is a liar just shows that you have an over inflated sense of importance thinking that everyone has your same opinion.
Ok we agree that the system is weighted. I understand you are saying that a random number generator can be used to generate an outcome over a non-even distribution, but that is not RNG. The way most people use the term RNG is to mean random which clearly this system is not, so saying “you win some you lose some is ok because it’s random” is not the case. That’s the whole reason why so many people are riled up.
Ps - I don’t know why you keep saying I assume everything is even when that is what I am trying to disprove when people keep saying it’s random.
The tempering limit (and thus the risk to not get what you want) is not only fine, it is needed for the current system to function.
Would be better if the tempering affixes were rolled when an item drop however.
People are just remembering, and reporting, their unlucky streaks. Not the good ones.
That said, I don’t think anyone are saying with 100% certainty, that the affixes aren’t weighted. I am not convinced that they are, but they might be.
RNG People muh random1! So obviously rigged. RIGGED!
Yes you are right there is potential for bias in complaining on the forums.
The only toon ive had mildly good luck on tempering is barb. Conveniently the class that blizz seems to be pushing everyone towards.
Tin foil hat securely on.
RNG is just the number generated, though. I don’t care if most people use it incorrectly and think in only results. You need both a fair roll and transparency with odds. Without both, you get upset players.
I never stated that. You must have me confused with another poster.
I’m 100% for Temper changes. The system as it is sucks, causes frustration, and isn’t transparent. On top of that, many of Tempers are disparate, while some are cohesive in terms of skills modified. It’s like a monkey with a dart board picked them.