I initially thought that the Tempering system was fair

And I still do think so but it has now become a little too obvious how bad/punishing the system for rotating the different affixes is.
Just rolled a full set of gear for curiosity sake and the amount of times that I would get the same affix over and over was kind of nuts. This has just been an observation from playing the game and then trying this out to see if I was nuts or not.
Mind you, it could have all gone smoothly but it did not. And that seems to be my overall experience too.
I love this system but after re-rolling the same affix twice, it should force it to the next affix. There should not be so many instances of rolling the same affix 3, 4 or all rolls.
Some kind of bad luck protection per say.

Just my two cents.

Anyone noticing such a thing? Should it be so common to re-roll the same thing over and over?


Yeah it’s probably the most popular thread creation topic. I feel like I need to respond to all of them so I can state ideas for a solution, but there are so many of these threads now that it’s becoming difficult to keep up.

The reason I’m so focused on this topic is because it obviously will need to be changed with the amount of blowback it’s receiving. If they make it too trivial (pay gold or mats to retemper), it becomes a new problem and an even bigger one.

[Puts on tinfoil hat]

It also seems as if certain affixes are weighted differently. The more popular ones seem to have less of a chance of showing up than say Dodge chance which seems to show up multiple times in a row.
I mean, it would be insane if they did that but :man_shrugging:

[Takes off tinfoil hat]

I’ve said my peace lol.


Yes it is weighted, Probably some item level seed. Anyone who doesn’t think it’s weighted has not rolled the dice enough times to feel it. Or if that same person thinks its weighted, I again invite that person to play dice with me and I get to pick the dice. :grinning: :grinning:

Did you uh…roll chance to cast frost bolts 4 times?

Seperate but parallel topic, I originally thought the capped enchanting would save gold, but actually since they changed the weighting to be heavily main stat and life, I actually think the net gold cost to enchant something you need like CDR or ranks skills is much higher for the normal player.

Edit: Big picture wise, I think they are close to being okay with only a minor tweak for tempering. What I think people forget is that when you craft the first armor piece for example on necro, it is easy to get either corpse tendril size or decriptify size. Once you hit the cap and are on your last armor gear that MUST now be what you dont have yet, that forced temper outcome IS very hard to craft statistically.


Gambling is addicting. Addiction equals engagement and engagement correlates positively with revenue. Revenue makes the investors happy, and their happiness means that the devs get to eat and the ceo gets a new yacht. Since the industry giants can easily coordinate and negotiate, they have made uniform decisions that have optimized for maximum profit and least customer power. You can vote with your wallet, but you’re either on the AAA boat, or marooned on an empty island playing ye oldest game with your innate joystick. Or crying internally while pretending to like an indie masterpiece with super mario graphics.

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What I want to know is who thought anyone wanted corpse tendril dmg affix…


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I concur… Ppl just need to wait till end game to try bricking multiple times in row.

It’s funny, when I played Necro, I always got dodge chance on defense gear. Then I played Rogue, I had many cases rolling armor 4 times in a row and dodge chance was like rare affix…

It’s this type of thing that puts me off.


I’m starting to notice this trend as well. Conclusion is to switch class to roll for specific tempered affix.

tempering have a weird random system which i guess is not true random at all.
Its s*cks.

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i got 4times the same roll out of 5 possible…so tempering is bugged not well designed and need a fix or a hole remove


Yep, and for barb it’s “Ultimate skills grand 40 resource” as if WotB doesn’t already do something like that for the 2 seconds it lasts.

The same person that double checks the multiply versus plus sign before the patches go out. :rofl:

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