I have an idea for AoZ

First level does not cost a sigil and would drop the tear and no Gylph XP. All levels would drop next sigil. All other levels are the same. This would allow all players to enter and try their build and start the process of going through the dungeon. If you fail, you start at level one for free and start the process again.

So there’s no way to save your progress? Let’s say you get up to Tier 15, can’t complete it, you’re sent all the way back to Tier 1? Sounds rather counter intuitive. So instead of farming Tier 14 over and over again to gain more glyph exp, you’re stuck doing it all over again from Tier 1 without the option to grind previous Tiers you know you can complete.

You can apply this to yourself right now. If you die on any given Tier, just force yourself to go back to Tier 1. Don’t need to change at all, problem solved, you’re welcome.

Fair enough. I was trying to think of a way to stop the need for farming sigil dust.

i would say how it works now is fine? i mean 800 sigil powder is not that expensive and if you are getting facerolled in aoz1 then maybe wait till you can clear t100 nmd easy. aoz t1 is cake right now. if you cant do it then work on your build and gear. stop trying to jump in to endgame content prematurely

Imagine the backlash this would create. Oh you failed at tier 15 well git gud scrub back to tier 1!! :roll_eyes:

I made a new post to try and combat the bad parts of AoZ. Please comment and give like or no like!

Salvaging AoZ into something coherant on Eternal :grin: - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (blizzard.com)