I hate seasons (

i just can’t stand the idea of gearing up from scratch again each time.
seriously is there no other mechanic that can keep us playing and keep the game fresh?

what’s the point of finding that perfect drop you’ve been farming for to ultimately losing it after a few weeks

and for your obvious answer of “play eternal realm” I will say - it splits the community


Then don’t play seasons?


I don’t mind seasons, but it would be nice if Diablo released a game that didn’t make the eternal realm literally meaningless.


it splits the community


how can you do that? it does suck leveling up and maybe some stuff should carry over but it also sucks just playing on one account and it being stale after months of the same thing


I don’t think it does, for all the years of D3 seasons I played, it’s just something we got used to. Then we login to eternal to sort seasonal crap at the end of the season before the next one starts.


Like you are worried you wont have enough people to play with? Seriously? How many people do you actually need? Both seasons and ethernal realm will pretty surely have more active player than any existing arpg. In game that has no forced group content, what exactly you are afraid of?


For me, it’s about perfecting my strategies to get to full power. Once I have gg gear, the game becomes boring. I don’t understand what would drive anyone to play at that point. It’s all about the journey.

Also, trading. Fresh economies are the best. LOVE fresh seasons/ladders.


Of course it splits the community, y’all don’t wanna partake in seasons… that is your decision. Plus I’m pretty sure most people will be doing the seasons.


So many people have been complaining they hate seeing people around them and want to make it a single player game and now we have people upset that the community is going to be split?


I’m interesting to see where this goes. On one side, Blizzard is pushing seasons for the sale of the seasonal pass and on the other side, they want players to be immersed and a lot of the mechanics makes for slower progression such as

  • Lower Drop Rates
  • No free respec cost
  • Won’t even give us an overlay to speed up traveling around
  • Nerfing of skills/builds
  • Limited trading

I’m all down for slower progression but it seems counter to seasons where we are pushed to accomplish certain goals within a limited time.


I think exactly this, there is no benefit to not playing it, since if they are even slightly like D3 they offer permanent upgrades to your entire account e.g. stash limit increase.

And I love seasons :slight_smile:


Maybe OP was one of the folks arguing for the mmo feeling? It would make sense if they are ones proclaiming for more group activities and are against game mechanics that splits the player base.

Great. Don’t do seasons then… What’s the problem? I for one can’t play Diablo or any other game once you get to the point where you’re looking for that 1 item to get you just a hair more powerful. Going from finding an upgrade every couple hours to every few days just kills any desire for me to keep playing. I enjoy starting with nothing and growing in power until I’m powerful as hell, then I start over again. That’s what’s fun to me, so seasons are something I will do.


Yea, I feel like they wanna be included but don’t wanna participate… which screams entitlement. They’re probably the same people who want PVP rewards while only PVEing.

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I think there is an argument/discussion to be had about the relevance of the Eternal Realm, If seasons are back to back, why would you even bother. I would love to know my hour difference on eternal vs seasonal for my D3 account, eternal hours can’t be very much at all lol.

If people want to compare the game to an MMO, literally no MMO when they add new content makes players create a new char and then login to a seperate shard to do it.


maybe the fact that end game will have nothing to do eventually on eternal realm.

that’s why I said “is there no other mechanic to keep us playing and make the game feel fresh”

its like I want seasons without the need to gear up from scratch again, that’s all.

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Technically where it stands currently all the content in the game is solo-able including the world boss so you really only need yourself you really don’t need anyone.

New items, enemies, story etc from Season will be merged into Eternal after season concludes.

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