I got banned for "exploiting" game mechanics

before i begin, i did not dupe mats, IM NOT A HACKER NOR A DUPER

I GOT BANNED for “exploiting” game. oh my Lord.

how am i supposed to know the materials im receiving from trades or as gifts are duped ones? i wouldnt know.
… using or trading or receiving a duped material, or summoning a boss using a duped material is no bigger offense than SNAPSHOTTING.
snapshotting is explicitly EXPLOITING a known bug. how is that different… . congrats to me…

First of all, i always do my bug-testing INSIDE training room.
i even make videos here on my youtube channel about bugs that i discover. actually game-breaking bugs. game-changing bugs. i always do this to better the gameplay. to make the gauntlet release smoother. i try to help in my own little way. like, wouldnt it be nice if the gauntlet will release with no bugs at all. such as bugs that can really be unfair for a certain class, in my case its the necromancer. i try my best to provide the best knowledge and testings that i can to improve the stability of the necromancer class.
recently i found a bug about decompose, paingorgers gauntlets, basic skills interactions, corpse tendrils bug from the auto cast of malignant ring sacrilegious, and many more. i always do my part to help better the gameplay experience.

Secondly, yes i have duriel mats that i did not farm. Some were gifted by friends. Some were from trades. and im pretty sure, 50 sets for example, those are not honestly farmed one by one. i know that.
but I DID NOT DUPE a single material.
oh yes i might have benefited from it.

tell me, who among the top 5 top 10 barb, rogue, sorc, druid, necro

just name at least 1, who never , who did not ever benefit from duped mats?
just 1 among the top 5 top 10 players. please tell me EVEN JUST ONE.

THIRDLY, this is not the players’ fault that there are duped materials. these players do not dupe the materials. but for sure, if somebody offers you these materials for free or for super cheap gold, how can you reject an offer?

also how are you even supposed to know that they are duped mats?
but of course you have a hunch that they are duped coz they are being traded to you for a very low amount.

players wont have access to any duped materials if in the first place , there are no dupers.
dupers also wont be able to dupe materials if the system isnt glitched/bugged to begin with.

#blizzard #blizzardentertainment #diablo4 Necromancer #seasonoftheconstruct

And now you will probably get a forum vacation for talking about it.

Sorry, but not sure what you want us to do about it. Not to mention, you are sharing game names of other people that probably didn’t consent to being in your video.

I didn’t think getting banned in D4 was possible. Good job.


i didnt mention any names. my point only is that the fix is not banning the player. who in one way or another got a hold of duped mats. its the coding that cannot prevent dupes. and the dupers that shouldve been prevented. not the player. so im sure there are players that have 20 sets of duped mats that they may or may not know about. having 50 in your bag isnt okay? having 100 sets in your bag isnt okay? whats the limit? how am i supposed to know those are duped? i kinda know they may very well be duped. but i cant say for certain. when u do trading, they are identical materials to farmed mats.

do blizz ban people for snapshotting on a 2-hander? how about snapshotting on both 2H and amulet? whats ok? whats not okay?

You clearly did. There are a whole bunch showing in the video from your battlenet contact list. That’s what I was referring to.

Here is my take:

Of course there is no way for you to know in all cases that you are trading with a duplicate item.


Blizzard has no way of knowing if you knew or not either. Their solution is to treat everyone the same. If you get caught with duplicated items, you get pinched for it.

I Just don’t bother trading with anyone at all, unless I know them personally and we only trade with each other.

And to date, even that hasn’t happened.

Sorry this happened to you. But as I said, discussion of account actions on the forums are normally not permitted, hence my warning that you may get another suspension, from the forums, just for posting about this, let alone the contact list info showing in the video.


Not trying to be mean, just being straight with you.

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did they ban you for snapshots? I doubt it. the only one bringing up snapshots is you.

no they didnt ban me for snapshotting. im just saying snapshotting is first-hand doing an exploit. getting a hold of mats in circulation that u know may or may not be duped, thats not something like a first-hand exploitation. but yes you are benefiting from more boss summons because of the dupes in circulation. i just dont think it’s fair to ban players that didn’t personally dupe.
i had almost no eggs, and about 250 shards when my account got banned.

same here and I am pissed off. I trade exclusively on diablo.trade, got a bunch of mats, and now I’m banned? wtf did I do?

I get them for my clan and pass them out as I do more trading, they give me the mats they don’t need, I flip and buy what we do

then I got banned for that…….I don’t think its the duped materials, I don’t think they liked that I had literal thousands

I have 4 clans, all farming……very doable and we do it often. I am a streamer on Twitch, I have viewers consistently giving me mats amongst other things, I then return it to other people, I supply them as I help and see and help the most people. We are a Community of Helpers and I was banned for helping people………

then when asking what I did to receive the ban, they decided to threaten my whole account

I am not allowed to know what I did to receive the ban, they just cite privacy and security reasons

I’ve been a customer for 33 years(their entire life) I have never cheated in any of there games, and I play them all. why the f*** would I start now?

This will be the last Blizzard game I ever buy. Sure I am just one person, but its a start and more will follow if they keep this crap up.

… yes… the root source is the coding, … loophole in the coding. it can be duped.

how about fix the coding.

just like snapshotting. … the source of the fault is the coding error…

people are exploiting a bug with the snapshot bug.

thats exploitation. when you knowingly abuse a bug to your advantage.

but blizz let people get away with it.
because lots of streamers big streamers big content creators are doing it.

i didnt farm the mats, as they were so cheap in the trade chat. they werent 35M gold per set before hotfix , before patch. and some people shared mats to me for free.

fix the duping. fix the snapshotting. not penalize the players for taking advantage of the bug/glitch/coding error.
make your system, dupe-proof.

I’m not sure what you are angry about here, it can’t be being banned since you are admitting to exploiting the game in these posts. Just because you believe other people are doing something wrong does not give you license to also do wrong. Hope things get better for you.

The human in me feels bad for you because if you took the game that serious you invested in expensive pre orders, twitch cosmetics, maybe platinum outfits, and you lost all of it not considering that it was a possibility. Not just lost, but lost and irreplaceable even on a new account in some cases. I would have preferred a player like yourself had made a lesser mistake first without such a final resolution as account closure.

The other side of me doesn’t because you’d happily use shortcuts and cheats to remove any competitive fair play with a sophomoric rhetoric that points to some legion of “others” doing so as your justification.

I don’t buy for a minute people are banned for accidently acquiring something forbidden through an implemented trading system. No, instead you gave them tons of evidence over time from chat logs to inventories of the same duped items. Enough that it could not simply be coincidence but instead with intent.

You learned a painful and yet important lesson here. Let’s hope that you understand, acknowledge, and heed it going forward.


Theres always more to these stories…usually all the good stuff they dont tell us.

oh i completely understand that i very well have owned duped materials. coz its impossible for the market to go that cheap if they werent duped mats. i understand that.

but what i dont understand is, i got banned coz i got more duped mats in my inventory, than others.

but others have duped mats too,. but they arent banned. coz they dont have maybe more than 50 sets or not more than 100 sets… oh i know. i know people right now that have benefited from duped materials but arent banned. … at the top of my head, i know… like more than 10 people… so i think this is an unjust decision… others exploited bugs like snapshotting. but they arent banned. why? theyre famous. famous content creators do it. yup.

i wouldve fixed the root of the problem than take it out on the player.

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Very enlightened to punish the addict instead of the ones supplying the drugs.
Anyway as I’ve said before. this is a problem entirely of Blizzard’s own making. If materials weren’t so hard ie time-wasting ie boring to come by and the drop rate of ubers was upped just a little or spread around a bit more equably then people wouldn’t feel to need to resort to materials that they didn’t legitimately farm themselves.

Also they seem to be trying to protect a game that had no integrity to begin with. See AoZ leaderboards.

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exactly. … and like 90% of players right now. or more… i know. the top players even. actually… who farmed their own materials? ??? duping is a result of a fault in the coding, a loophole. thats why duping got possible…
like snapshotting, that is also a fault in the coding thats why snapshotting works… and people and lots of content creators abuse it. exploit it. but its fine … its fine., they can exploit it. and get away with it…

not fair.

So, we’re going to pretend you didn’t post a video of yourself using a 3rd party overlay?

u mean mobalytics? i never use it as an overlay. i always close it whenever the game runs.
i installed it to look at builds. and the planner as well. but never used the overlay ingame. i always always close it.

And yet, it was active in your video.

But yeah, you don’t use it in game. Totally.

I’m not gonna sit here and argue about it though. Just pointing out your assumption is was due to duped materials is just that. Your assumption.

Yeah, but that totally wasn’t his fault. The “others” all did it so he should be able to too.

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Coz i really dont. What do i need that in-game for… I cant even logon to my game. Its different when im actually playing. It just auto-loads when i hit the play button.