I got 6 Uniques in a day

I feel like the number of unique drops has increased substantially, I just got Mad Wolf’s Glee, Greatstaff of Crone, Penitent Greaves, Temerity and Insatiable Fury within 24 hours just doing normal NM dungeons (Tier 21-26)

Infact the last 3 all dropped within a 3-4 hour window of me playing at night

It’s just random, hoss.

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Last 15 hours I farmed NM dungs (31-35), tree and helltides, I got exactly 1 (ONE) unique drop.

You keep using this word, I do not think it means what you think it means…
Did you ever learn about Pseudo-RNG, Loot Seeding & Statistical Outliers or are you too remaining willfully ignorant in order to Troll, Bait & “shill, shill, shill”?

I guess when you have no legitimate knowledge regarding the topic you are trying to argue about, sociopathic & irrelevant gaslighting is all your paramecium brain can manage.

Did you ever find that confirmed source you were talking about?

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Rod Fergusson confirmed it on Twitter & then the Dev team danced around it during the Barb portion of the Campfire Chat.

Can we get back to the actual topics at hand now instead of you repeating yourself like the hyper-fixated incompetent egotistical moron with no actual legitimate point, knowledge on the topics you are discussing or consideration for others that you are? Joking, a psychopath like you can’t let go or move on (^:

So this is more on topic; OP did you happen to see any of the item “Tempest Roar”?

So now they “danced around it”, which I’ve listened to it (again, even) and no such claims were made or hinted at. Keep trying, chief. Maybe you should keep trying to come up with wild theories about TR. Your newest babble of

is hilarious.

Your incompetence & lack of relevant knowledge regarding anything to do with the subjects at hand is showing :clown_face:

I got two Legendaries to drop on the same boss (not a NM Boss, they give me nothing) and thought I hit the jackpot… until I saw the stats.

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Its random.
If its not, then just force it to drop. If its not random its a YOU problem.

I beg to differ.
Your & others willful ignorance regarding the difference between:

  • “True RNG” used in Cryptography & Communications
  • “Pseudo-RNG” used in Video Games

A well as the respective implementations, limitations & issues of both is a personal problem which can only be resolved by the individual in question admitting the possibility they could be wrong & that others might know something they don’t, then taking steps to enlighten themselves.

Sure it’s random, but unfortunately one needs a lot of ‘good’ high end junk to break down for upgrades that will have to be replaced when you find something a bit better, which at least where I am seems to be quite often.

Oh my, another person who does not understand how probability works. God save us.

If you want to philosophize then there is no true RNG… everything is connect, string teory.
Do you believe that TRUE RNG exist?

That is irrelevant to discussions regarding a Video Game which inherently uses Psuedo RNG and likely an implementation of Loot Seeding, suffering the same limitations & issues as all other systems which do so.

Nice attempt at baiting an off-topic discussion to try and derail the thread though.

So you admit its random.

I do not.
Though you clearly admit to total illiteracy & a lack of anything resembling reading comprehension or an understanding of the subjects mentioned.
Enjoy the ignore Troll.

Hahahah you think you are smart?
These TRUE RNG and PSEUDO RNG are all random that are all influenced by something.
You are the one with lack of argument.

You sound like a school child arguing about topics they have never had any exposure to. Save yourself further embarrassment & just stop showing the entire world how ignorant you gladly remain!

EDIT: Updating this last post with an edit as I am done wasting my time with actual responses to you.
If you continue to openly post ignorant & incorrect opinions then refuse to educate yourself when someone tries to teach you - you can likely expect others to call you ignorant as well.

Ohh really mature of you to just come and call everyone ignorant.