I give up, screw D4

No one should be playing softcore. It makes you play like an idiot, build like and idiot, and overall be an idiot.

No reason not to challenge yourself to make yourself a better player.


Ok this is obviously a troll.
You can’t be so out of touch to believe that someone who dies to WT2 will get enlightenment to build a character from dying on HC. (when they didn’t put effort to see what’s wrong on the SC char)



This is absolutely related to why the player is playing like garbage. He probably played every game in his life on the easiest difficulty possible. Never challenged himself and this is how he ended up being the horrible gamer he is today.

Playing anything on less than the hardest difficulty is only hurting yourself.


Look there is definitely a lot of truth into what you are saying, even before. But that is the ideal form, I can’t see someone do that to themselves unless they love challenge or actually wanting to get good at the game. I understand the reasoning, but all that requires the player to be engaged enough to play and learn from mistakes.
I don’t think that’s the situation here

With D4’s heavy emphasis on gearing the following is true-- If RNJesus loves you, you’ll enjoy D4. If the RNG gods spit on you, life is gonna suck.

What’s weird is that it seems some characters are blessed while other are doomed to iLevel poverty. I have both a Sorcerer and a Necro that rares and legendaries drop all the time. Hit a little fallen, Rare. Smack a skeleton, Legendary.

My Rogue however, takes out boss after boss and event after event and I’ve gotten like 4 yellows and no legendary items at all.

Back in D2 we used to call characters like my Rogue “Deleters” because deletion of the character was the only solution, for they got suck drops all the way through endgame. It was like there was a random seed assigned to the character upon creation that decided if it would be blessed or cursed. I am thinking D4 may have inherited this “feature” of old.


All of my gear aside from one unique is 806 or higher. My unique Crone Staff is 796. I barely do any upgrades anymore, and so I’m at about 90,000,000 gold today. The only thing I’d really like is a Tempest Roar helm, but guess what I got today? No @#$%, another Vasily’s Prayer helm. That’s probably the seventh one, but I’ve lost count. You should have heard me cuss when I opened my bag and saw that piece of @#$% staring back at me, lol. I regained my composure quickly, however. :neutral_face:

Thank these forums for that. Was so important to nerf drops to people who knew nothing about the game. Said it when they did it that all it did was make the leveling up process more boring.
And although i leveled to 100 pretty fast it was awfully boring to not even have a frost nova enchant till 60 and never got a perfect one till 96. Real fun to not have a key aspect for your class. Or have to wear items 30 levels lower because you did not get an aspect to replace it.

Hey man if this is your first Diablo game or are used to maybe d3 I get it but there’s a bunch of things you have to consider with this new setup like having good aspects on your gear, rerolling stats, and having a build that is effective. Go to maxroll.gg and d4builds.gg both of those sites are very reliable for good builds and at the very least a path you can follow. Good luck man, this game is good with the exception of the random crashes so give that stuff I recommended a try

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Do you kiss your family with the mouth? :kiss:

Champions train, losers complain.


WT1 is your answer, if you need help message me in game ill try to run you through some stuff when im on.

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Haha what a joke, hardcore players don’t even play high level nightmare dungeons.


Welcome to scaling. Trash mechanic isn’t it?


…Lose progress in the dungeon?

Now things are starting to make more sense.


I like how this person thing is writing about content while dismissing playing on a higher difficulty for the actual experience of playing.

This dude is hilarious.

Come to Last Epoch then or Grim Dawn. Those are the two I can most recommend for action rpg players. Well Titan Quest as well. Unless you love 40k the Inquisitor Martyr is worth it when it is on sale.

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Bruh, youre level 44 thinking you have the best gear avail?! LOL I have a 91 and 77 and am still looking for upgrades. Stop crying.

Most of your post can be remedied by simply not being attached to your dungeon, swallowing your pride and going down to WT1 and going again. However, this part is legitimate.

Recently came from the thread which basically stated and implied that this game’s chat is garbage due to the lead devs being console players. It doesn’t matter if they are console players until they make horrible design decisions based on their preferred way of playing.

Diablo should be PC first, even if they port it to console. Don’t care if anyone disagrees; I’m not saying console shouldn’t get to play.

Sigh…ranting about it won’t change anything though.


wait intill you get levl 70 the game complitly dies :slight_smile:

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lol yeah, one thing about playing your way on D4…dont.

If your 44 and having issues, make sure to open the skill tree and assign points. To anything really. 5 points to every Basic skill and every core skill and face roll the keyboard and youll be fine. Problem solved.

Edit: The logic of this is sound. 3 of the core abilities and 3 basics are fillers to make you think the game has depth, but they are junk. Eventually youll hit 1 of the 2 that actually work the way they are suppose too, and the screen will be deleted.