I forgot how to play, how do i extract legendaries again?

Im at the occultist and cant figure out how to extract the legendary, I swear this is where I used to do this.

You don’t. Just salvage the Legendary and it automatically gets put into your Codex of Power. Aspects as items don’t exist anymore, so you just use the Codex to imprint as many times as you have the materials.

This patch introduced a lot of changes; I’d recommend at least skimming the patch notes to get an overview. Or read Iggi’s thread here for a good summary.

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The extraction mechanic is completely gone. Just salvage everything now.

They changed it, just salvage it is automatic now.

Yeah I had nearly two tabs full of perfect roll aspects. All gone now. Oh well. On the bright side I have a lot more space in my chest.

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They all should be in the codex now.

It has been changed for the better. No more having tabs full of aspects of various degrees of power that are one-time-use. Now you just salvage at blacksmith and it auto-saves to codex, and only a single version of the aspect is saved there - the most powerful one you’ve found so far, and reusable like the base ones used to be. 1000% better than before.