I don't get it, simply don't get it

Why on earth there’s players at para 270 and above, at this time of season, buying GEMS???

What’s the problem with this “gamers”??? :disguised_face:

I’m currently at para 232 and got zillions of gems mats!!!
And all my gems in the gear are the top ones…

I don’t get it… :face_with_spiral_eyes: :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Can anyone please explain me?

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There is a gem sync in S7. Also it depends on what the player is doing. If all they do is grind pits they arnt going to aquire gems like they would in IH.

You also have to factor in how many alts the person may has because who wants to transfer gems from one toon to another.


honestly i didnt do too many IHs this season, so i struggled a little wiht fragments even when i was para 240.

it didnt bother me of course, cause i know where to get them, but yea, this tradin for gems just shows how lazy people can be :stuck_out_tongue:


Which gems are they buying? I could see skull and Diamond so they can break them down into mats. A lot of builds want the seasonal witch power gems that require using a ton of skull and diamond fragments. If they’re trying to gem out their alts, makes sense.

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Maybe they aren’t as under as you…

Absolutely nothing, they play how they want, you play how you want. Gems are used in the seasonal gimmick, or should I say gem fragments, but you can’t trade gem fragments, you can however trade gems and then destroy said gems for fragments.

So if you’re making multiple builds, or have multiple alts, you’ll probably need different Witch Gems, which cost a lot of gem fragments. Don’t know about anyone else, but I’m one of those people who hates to have to switch characters just to unequip something to put on another character. If I have the means to have double of what I use, I’ll make double.

Problem solved, next topic.


unable to read the patch notes properly and then write such a weird post here… :brain: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:

Really? What patch notes have to do with lazy players?

I wasn’t talking about witch gems, but the regular ones…

Sometimes, with such “low” drop rates, it’s necessary…

As you said, i play how i want, so i’m good to do that everytime, if i’m low on gems…
Which didn’t happen to me this season…

Multiple characters!

I’m not a fan of hordes and have 3 toons (and multiple occult for different builds). I just got the last fragment I need at 272. May need more if I decide I want more than 1 build for my sorc or necro.

I explained why, GEM FRAGMENTS are used to make WITCH GEMS. People can buy the crafted normal gems to smash into Gem Fragments and then use those fragments to make Witch Gems. To make a ‘Grand Gem’ of any kind it’s 100,000 gem fragments, so if you buy a ‘Grand Gem’ and then go smash it into fragments, you have 100,000 gem fragment to spend on a Witch Gem, which by the way requires 50,000 gem fragments per Magical Witch Gem (the blue ones).

Agreed, but you were wondering why people with 270+ Para were buying gems, this is more than likely the reason. They have plenty of money, what they don’t have are gem fragments. So they buy gems, smash them into fragments, make the Witch gems they need, and voila. Aside from that explanation you could always ask what they are using them for.

This isn’t rocket science my dude. You may not need the gems, others do, not that hard to figure out. In all honesty I don’t see why it matters to you in general.


Because to me it’s really awkwards to trade for gems, since it drops gem fragments from the sky in witchtides caches… literally… and a lot of them…
Or probably i’m the lucky one getting gem fragments…

Well this explains a lot. So you get hung up on what other people do, regardless of the reason for it. I mean we all live our life how we want to, I don’t have that kind of time to worry about what others do, but you do you my friend.


You hit the nail right on the head. My biggest compliant about Diablo 3 and 4 isa how the devs try and force everyone into doing activities they don’t enjoy, just because they created them. IMO all items should drop everywhere. Just to varying rates and level. So, if all I want to do is run pits for the rest of my life, I can. If I want to do nothing but run NMD I can or just explore and clear maps. The bosses are a joke, they are so easy and repetitive with mostly useless drops, I would much rather have Mythics randomly drop throughout the game.

I’m Paragon 280 and I’ve only just gotten past my gem shortage.

Several builds, each needing gems to slot into gear, gems for glyph upgrades, and gems for crafting witch gems.

Infernal hordes is probably the best way to farm gems but I haven’t been doing much hordes this season.

Nothing wrong with trading for gems.

“If it neither breaks my thigh nor picks my pocket, what concern is it of mine?” ~ Thomas Jefferson


The best way to farm gems is just buy them for gold. You sell 1 or two items on trade sight and you are set because of the duped gems they are super cheap now.

I’m pretty sure it all has to do with the craptastic drop rates on everything

This question is already good enough for me. I’m currently at 268 (or was it 269?), and the bar feels like it’s stopped moving.

Well, you feel like it stopped because it almost has, when you hit 284 you are only 1/2 way to 300 as the exp requirements to level goes thru the roof