I can't get things done. Too much waiting. Too much walking

I just wanted to say, I don’t have any issue with having to ride a mount anywhere in this game. There are waypoints everywhere, mount boosts so it doesn’t take more than 1 min to travel anywhere from a waypoint, upcoming event warnings and timers and minimap notifications.

When I miss an event, it’s bc I waited too long in prev activity before leaving. I plan my runs accordingly if I know something is coming up I don’t wanna miss. Just like I don’t think I gotta be at work in 10 mins so I have 10 mins to go to the store and then get mad I gotta wait in line, checkout, walk back to car, deal with traffic, etc etc the issue isnt not having instant teleporting to everything and everywhere.

On the other hand, the load screens, afaik, are there bc the game is loading. When you walk places, the game is pre-loading in the background but it doesn’t have to load in as much so there won’t be loading screens. That’s normal for most games nowadays… That’s why it takes longer to load if you’re porting to different regions or dungeons than if you port somewhere rly close.

Or were you complaining about the like 2-3 second TP cast bar? That should only be if you’re in a combat area and it’s to make it so you have to plan your teleporting accordingly and can’t use it to just escape combat. More relevant for HC for sure, but still… I don’t have any issue with the current casting time to summon the TP.

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