I can't find any good builds

I’m finding treasure goblins like crazy while I pick up the Altars of Lillith. In 2 full zones I’ve found like 15+ treasure gobs and 80% of them have dropped legendaries. I think they have a higher drop rate honestly. Just counted I got 6 lengendaries from goblins just getting the altars in Scosglen.

I got maybe ONE legendary from the Treasure goblins until I got to Nightmare mode where I’ve gotten a legendary from every single one.

Not only are Treasure goblins more common in nightmare, but their loot is a LOT better.

Barb’s survivability issue is noted. Rogue play seems to be centered around a melee build I admittedly cannot pilot, so it is what it is. I simply wasted my time leveling 2 classes up that aren’t my style. I did alright with necro in the server slam, so maybe I’ll try that one. If I can’t absolutely annihilate stuff with WT1 necro, then I’m probably just gonna move on and play something else.

There’s more than one good rogue build though.

Gambling Obols. I do most of the side events get capped frequenly and gamble on the slot that I want. Most of my early Leggos were from gambling.

After 30-40 level they start to rain. Then you also get some from campaign.

The loot scaling is weird. I was lvl 38, and the boss I killed dropped a lvl 23 legendary…

i’m a rend/rupture barb and i’ve had zero problems from lvl 1-42 on WT2. you need to spread your skills across offense and defense. you can get two healing skills via iron skin and rupture.

my barb has zero survivabiliy issues. i wonder if people are just not using defensive skills… i can get through a lot of fights without even having to use my potions on WT2 because of the healing of improved iron skin and rupture.

My barb got hit for the same damage as my rogue, basically. Barb is about as tanky as a rogue, that’s the problem. I think Barb needs a flat 35% damage reduction in melee.

I was also using ironskin and rend/rupture.

Barb - less damage and less survivability than rogue. Not even using twisting blades, just penetrating shot with shadow or poison imbuement is better than anything barb has at the moment.

Its very important to update your gear, and find your weakest item, and gear yourself as you go

As monster scaling applies, if u dont update your gear in 2-3 levels, you’ll feel much weaker, all the time

Look for very specific affixes… If u play Barb, You’ll want a lot of Physical-Close damage, as it works all the time

Make sure you stack a lot of strenght, and even some all stats as well

meanwhile i’m level 42 using level 10 yellow legs and I’m doing just fine.

they’re good legs, though.

I’m done with barb, I actually deleted the character. I will never touch barb again unless it gets some serious buffs to survivability.

This is a problem in several ARPG games, there’s no point in playing melee unless you want to take more and deal less for some bizarre reason.

Barb is fine , but like most things, you have to gear and skill yourself toward improving your weaknesses

Iron skin is a great absorb mechanic, and Barb have so many Excellent defensive sub-skills

There is a Sub-skills that gives you Fortify for every hit you take ( which is kind of a must )

No, barb is not fine, the class doesn’t do enough damage and doesn’t have enough survivability. You’re getting hit more than a ranged class by simply being in melee range. And you are not rewarded with extra damage for the extra risk. It’s a crap class when it comes to risk-reward.

An example of a decent playing melee class in an ARPG game would be something like Death Knight, Commando or Blademaster in Grim Dawn. Any of the soldier combos are good. You gotta be able to face tank with melee, period.

I have no problems with my Barb… Sure they start a little slow but I think I only died around 3 times until I hit a pretty chunky dungeon at level 48… I have died a few times since… but it is usially from exploding mobs Im not seeing under the firework-explosions of bodies around my character. I’m not playing WW or a Bleed build, just straight 2hr hammer… Now at 52 and geared up, I am just wrecking Nightmare Dungeons…

What build are you trying? I was using three shouts with all the perks to boost healing, ect… but I have now lowered that to just 2 shouts in the rotation. 30+, and specially 35+ Legends start dropping like its raining like in beta 1 and 2.

I deleted the barb, and decided to just roll with rogue. Even an off meta rogue build using penetrating shot vs twisting blades is faster than any barb build. And I barely take any damage. Penetrating shot with poison imbuement melts bosses.

Nerfing everything with the word “damage reduction” in it tends to do that to a class.

Yikes! I must have missed the patch notes, so barb got damage reduction nerfed instead of buffed? They need the total opposite, the balancing team for D4 couldn’t balance a pen on the end of their finger. I bet they don’t even play the game.

Or, Barb is actually a lot better than people seem to think and Blizz isn’t balancing the game around the people that don’t know how to play.

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Right? Im playing straight melee shadow Rogue and hubby is hybrid poison trap build and we are doing WT2 and we’re not having any issues leveling.