I cant beat Lilith

This is my 3rd season trying and I have yet to beat her. This is the first season where my dps is plenty I can get her to phase two in a few seconds but my latency is just too high. I just cant move/dodge fast enough there is too big of an input lag delay. So frustrated I would love that spark!


i can help you in approx 30 mins if you want.


That would be great!!

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sent you a request on bnet =)

ill hurry, shouldnt take longer than 30 mins


Phase 2 is a pain. I have 200% movement speed and the white skills at the end are a pain to avoid and sometimes they spawn right in top of you while running from the rest and boom you’re dead.

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i struggled with them for a while too, but once you get the hang of it its quite easy to dodge. Need the kill too pmu?

just finished OPs kill so i could do yours real quick too

edit: also you can still skip the orbs in p2 if you deal enough dmg fast enough when she enters p2 ^^

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For the homing white balls, hug the wall go clockwise

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Nah I already killed her. Was just venting about it lol thanks for the offer though

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Stay on the edge of the map and run in a giant circle staying near the edge.

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also small circles help to get them organized

is it only me or… I think P2 is much much easier than P1. The P1 random patterns were a nightmare to learn and took me time to train and get enough reflexes to evade as soon as you see the direction of red lines on the ground. P2 was just just a walk in the park, even with only 155% movement speed. The white homing missiles were nerfed and are waaay easier to dodge than the giant skulls last seasons

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Most people can skip phase 1 now, but phase 2 is still a challenge. I spent hours in Season 4 learning the pattern, so it’s not as difficult for me anymore. I wouldn’t be surprised if we get another tough boss, like Uber Mephisto, in the expansion. I should probably buy a backup controller, just in case I end up throwing mine at the wall.


hmmm id say p1 and p2 are pretty equal in difficulty, especially since they changed the speed of her waves in p1 ^^

might just my bias tho, as i said, i did take quite a long time to finally get the fight right. ^^

I’m having the same struggles, I’ve got the power just not the mechanics to beat her for some reason. I keep dying to those stupid orbs in the second phase. If anyone is willing to help, hit me up! Narxes #1507

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added you. ill help you out

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5 Seasons now, and i have never beaten any of the Tormented Bosses by myself. Not once. Do you need to pay real world money for the Uber gear, as i cant seem to get any resplendent shards either to get the Uber boss killing gear…i cant spend 10 hours a day grinding for the best of the best gear…

i can help you kill lilith. im out of mats for the bosses, but if you got them i can help you on that as well. i got some stygian stones =)

also, you shouldnt spend money on RMT. eventually that might get you banned.

Nope. I beat my first Tormented Boss with my a B tier build, Firewall in S5. No ubers obviously when I did it the first time. However my RnG in S5 is really good and got a bunch of Ubers which allowed me to build multiple S tier builds.

As soon as I have Ubers, it was way easier to melt these bosses.

No need to pay money. You just need good RnG lol

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People always give you crap on these forums, but you are one of the most helpful here.

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Once you figure it out its actually pretty easy. have like 165 run speed, time the platform, and then you just run around the edge. I like clockwise myself.

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