I cannot craft/salvage sigils

But how do you get a tier 3 sigil if you don’t have the option to salvage/upgrade?

Edit: I just got a tier 2 sigil from completing a tier 1 nightmare dungeon. It took roughly 5-6 attempts. I assume this is how you get your first tier 3 sigil as well, by using the tier 2’s. I’ll update if I can get one this way.


Yes, that’s how I got mine. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for confirming. I was just coming back to say I just got a tier 3 from doing a tier 1. It dropped off an elite, so kill everything.

Same issue here!, blizzard said something? Help!

If you read above, you can see that you need to complete a 3 or higher tier sigil dungeon for crafting to unlock.

Yeah, i am at 59 lev and cant craft neither. Also, i got lev 3 sigil, started it and it gave me level 1 dungeon (i have level 2 sigils to but i skipped it).
Very wierd quest line.

Still makes no sense to me. I don’t see any instruction or hints as to what completing a t3 means? I see some sigils have levels, 1 or 3 etc but there’s no mechanic to updgrade them? Please be specific, please help. Thanks

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Same here, it’s really frustrating, my inv is full of them and cant salvage them to get specifics :frowning:

ok, thanks I was not sure how to progress this.

can confirm this. you have to do a lvl 3 tier nm.
Ask a friend that solved it for me.

Not a change, you had to do a level 3 dungeon before the season too.

Thanks that worked. Ive only done 1 and 2 found it strange that its a tier 3 requirement when its not mentioned at all that i recall.

for all those duchebags saying ohh its easy just do a t3 read peoples posts i have run over 10 nm t1 dungeons and all i get is a t1 replacement i have reached lvl 56 and still nothing higher than a t1 is available. it is imposable to do a t3 if you don’t have the sigil drop to do so… frustrating once again blizz has found a way to slow down the game

edit: best way is do a t1 as soon as a sigil drops check it if its a t1 just leave the dungeon (don’t complete it then restert till a t2 then a t3 drops

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I have the same issue. I am level 60 and have completed the capstone for World Tier 4 and absolutely slaughter tier 1 and 2 but nothing higher than tier 2 drops.

Just did my 8th NM dungeon and got my first Tier 2 sigil. Hopefully the T2 gets me a T3…

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Ty for the edit, I was wondering myself why i couldn’t craft after completing the NM quest, but like you said, I need a sigil t3 to craft them - was doing t1s and t2s and I was super really confused.

Yes, this is a joke. 5 nm’s done and only t1 sigils.

At L62, I did a few T1 sigils, a few T2 sigils , and then on completing the first T3 NM dungeon, got the Quest to go speak with Deyman in Keyovashad for Sigil Crafting. After the T3 sigil, I got a T6 sigil, so it’s ramping up.

How to Unlock Sigil Crafting

Unlocking Sigil Crafting

In order to unlock Sigil Crafting at the Occultist, you must first complete a Tier 3 Nightmare Dungeon. Follow these steps:

  1. First complete a Tier 1 Nightmare Dungeon, which you acquire through the Tree of Whispers in Nightmare Difficulty.
  2. As you kill monsters and progress through the Tier 1 Nightmare Dungeon, you are likely to find a Tier 2 Nightmare Sigil. If you do not, run any Tier 1 Nightmare Sigils you acquired in that dungeon to try again. You can also reliably acquire additional Tier 1 Sigils through the Tree of Whispers.
  3. Run a Tier 2 Nightmare Dungeon or Dungeons to acquire a Tier 3 Nightmare Sigil.
  4. Once you acquire a Tier 3 Nightmare Sigil, complete that Dungeon to unlock Sigil Crafting!

Player Testimonial:

Maxroll literally explains that doing a Tier 3 dungeon is how you unlock crafting sigils rofl.

“NoNe Of ThOsE tHiNgS iS hOw YoU uNlOcK cRaFtInG sIgIlS.”