I Can See Why People Hate Tempering

20 uses across all my armor to put Thorns on my Barb via Natural Schemes:
15 were Barrier Gen, with a whopping 12 in a row at one point.
3 were Crowd Control Duration.
2 were Thorns.

That’s…Yeah. That’s kind of BS & insanely frustrating. I get that RNG is part of the game, but that’s frustratingly stupid bad luck, and I can see why such results would piss people off.

Edit: Honestly, I think a good fix would be to let us pick what enchantment we want, but the chance for it to be at the lower end of it’s scale is greater, requiring rerolls to get the higher % effects.
Or just let us re-roll all we want, since it takes resources.


It gets even better when u get it tempered decently snd then masterwork it to lvl 4 to have it upgrade a tempering mod instead of a real affix by 25% masterworking which boosts the stat. So it essentislly bricks your item again . You need a nrw item, temper it and then lvl 4 it again masterworking. You must play the Pits at lvl 135 20x and spend 200m gold to help your item get the wrong stat. Oopsey ill get new one and do it again

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I would say it was conspiratorial to say their system was this flawed before season but after experiencing it myself I think they need to look at if current rolled tempers and even enchants have a higher chance to reroll same thing. Something is going on. I should not be rolling the same thing this much. Is it confirmation biased or is something going on? This is Bliz dont forget. The same ppl that brought us 1000*40%=1040, could not enter the right % for bonus XP weekend, and had BL bugged and then featured In AoZ at the same time.

what? You can reset masterworking if it didn’t boost the desired stat at 4/12 8/12 etc. And something like two pit tier 79 runs gives enough neathiron to down-convert to something like 675 obducite, allowing you nearly 7x masterworks to 4/12.