Hurricane With Boulder Dolmen Stone

Hurricane With Boulder. It’s fantastic from the outside of the Hurricane because the bolder hits the mobs, but an average creature doesn’t obtain the damage from the boulders on the inside. I have a suggestion, if you’re willing to give it a thought? Could you take that damage on the outside and also apply it to the inside of the hurricane with bolder Dolmen Stone unique neck piece? It’s always worth asking.

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And mostly if Blizz can remove the knockback effect from boulder, cause it’s really counterproductive in most situation. Replace it by a stun, immobilize or cripple effect, it would be much appreciated. Chain knock back pushing your target away from you during 5-6 sec is driving me crazy.


How about a knock down like the option for Maul? Thematically that’d make more sense for getting run over by a boulder than just a slow or a stun.


Yup knockdown would be a smart choice.

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Give it a try on t95 this week end. This knockback effect is more and more annoying. I rush on corpse bow pack on carrion fields, pack them with crown unique effect, but my boulders hurricane spread them around me, i run after the one with fortifying affix. But one of the others one shot me. So frustrating. I give up until the next patch hoping for boulder knockback to be replaced.

Yeah, I noticed the knockback thing so never went this route. I also hate abilities that proc Fear for the same reasons.