How to kill lilith as shadow minion necro

I have killed every single uber and uber echo. Lilith is the last thing before I start a new character, but I simply can’t kill her. I can’t kill her not because I’m lacking damage or survivability, but because she is either Invulnerable or on the opposite side of the room with spike waves coming at me pushing my minions to the side while I’m forced to dodge. I instantly shove her to 1/3 HP before even her first mechanics but am stuck on this weird part of phase one. I’ve even gone like 5/6 minutes into the fight with her just spamming spikes and me not being able to get close enough to do meaningful damage.

my advice is stack more multiplicative modifiers just for that fight, and cheese it. then make sure you have a hell of a lot of move speed and bloodmist for phase 2.

Also get your opening right aka stack all your CD’s on top of each other.

the fact you have done 5-6mins is basically proving you lack the burst to get her down inside of maybe 1 wave phase.

side note, she can bug out in phase 1 and just infinitely cast waves or just get stuck on 2% hp.

Personal rant.

I think the fight is still crap just not absolute crap like last season and before. i hate the fact if u screw up a wave you get a stack. I think the damage she does now is fine and it would be really nice for once in D4 to be able to build tankiness to acheve success instead of always having to stack every damn damage modifier to burst things down.

ARPG’s are not just about skill in playing, but knowledge in building, and it would be nice to be able to make something so tanky you can just derp your way through the fight with end game gear. I never had the skill to avoid all the abilities on uber elder back in the day when I played PoE (about 4-5 years ago), I just built my own unique char that was so tanky I could just sit in all its abilities and kill the bosses. To me thats a fun design. Skilled players kill the bosses first with bad gear and all skill, bad players kill the boss later with good gear and solid builds.

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What’s useful is max movement speed, Metamorphosis and enough damage to avoid her skippable mechanics. Other than that, don’t just play the fight as it comes. Positioning is key and you want to be in specific spots at specific times.
Here’s my kill:

Here is a vid with 9 minutes of wave dodging because the boss glitched if it will help (need to make a bug report I guess…).

Here is a video showing mechanics for a very deep 2nd life to see an approach to most mechanics if you fail to phase the boss fast enough.

The boss is easiest to do with Mist because even when nuking her HP bar you’re likely getting one or two waves minimum. If you push clear to the 2nd add set the first wave will virtually always be a triangle wave centered on the circle. Burn Mist here and bait/dodge subsequent waves as needed. She will repeat them until the adds are cleaned up.

If you can delete her 1st life HP odds are you can burn enough to avoid most mechanics in 2nd life. I’d recommend using Mist for the 1st and 3rd platform destructions to greatly simplify the spirit/firewave mechanics. If you can Mist all of them do so. The main crux to the third destruction is to delay getting on the platform for as long as possible. The spirits from puddles fire early on this one.

As an added note, be careful staggering the boss in 2nd life. She can do some very non-intuitive stuff when staggered at specific moments. If you’re not intimately familiar with her moveset it can easily throw you for a loop.