How to get rid of rmt

How would the steamers get all these god roll if they didn’t have there fans giving them loot and all the summoning mats

seriously what exactly are you winning?
and why are you letting it push your buttons
it’s a game and doesn’t mean anything
and with an AH it is automatically a p2w system even yours because it still boils down to you want this item, I want this item in return, p2w

RMT and P2W are not the same.
Both are bad. But different nonetheless.

no not really, now they buy runs instead of buying gold or items.

you cant stop RMT, just focus on making the freaking game fun, how about that

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If you have to use your own untradeable summoning mats for the farm runs, that wont get you very far.
You are of course right though, you can then pay people to farm mats with you etc. At a basic lvl, some RMT will always be possible, but you can reach a point where it is unlikely to be feasible for either the buyer or the seller to create a business around.

It isn’t either/or. But often, the two go hand in hand. Such as with getting rid of trading. The main reason trading should be removed is not to get rid of RMT. Main reason it to get rid of trading itself, as it circumvents the loot hunt. Reducing RMT would merely be a bonus.

Haha let them buy runs. The more roadblocks the better.

Add more microtransactions and cosmetics! once people spent all their money on overpriced skins they won’t have any money left over for RMT!

Thats not true either. The minority is on both sides: auctions house advocats and your so-called anti-trading adepts.

The thing is, if there exists a convenient way to skip certain time-consuming tasks, like farming equipment, and if it is easily accessible in-game, like with an auction house, then the majority of players are likely to start using it, free from any prejudice. This has nothing to do with being pro-trade. Think of it it as the most efficient way to play the game.

The criticism is valid for a number of reasons.
If you are interested in the downsides of an auction house, read my wall of text in this post: Auction house in D4? Here are some major drawbacks

do you guys realized the entire problem was ALWAYS duped items?

if they dont fix it, nothing matters.

do you think those people farmed thousands and thousands sets of boss mats every single day? they dupe it…

how do you think they have entire account of gold mules at gold cap in 2 days?

this fixes nothing except now RMT seems like a even better deal to people who were only thinking about it previously.

Its more then dupped items.

For ppl who buy stuff this is good because the market gets flooded and these items become worthless.

If they really want to elimite it the only way is everything os BoP and everything account bound. Imo idk but its nice to see tempering isnt credit card warrior friendly

Make it 2 tradeless leagues: 1) SSF If they take current drop rates overall and slightly buff the uber rate I would love it. and 2) GSF - Just the game as is, sans trade.

After playing so much d3… I wanna know why trading is allowed in d4 seasons.

builds relying on specific GAs and no way to target farm them in reasonable time opens huge demand for AH like trading. and all the gold sinks and AH creates demand for RMT gold trade, because again it’s a huge time saver. bots/gold farmers just make thar RMT gold more accessible.

you can call it P2P from perspective that everyone should be a farm monkey and hence equal on effort, I call it reasonable time save to try different builds and progress without focusing on item/gold farm.

now, how to solve it? few ideas:
a) allow target farming of specific GAs or crafting them in reasonable time. AH give minutes/hours range so I think it’s hard to balance this right. but there should be ways. maybe 2 GA+ items should not be tradable at all so they indeed would be exciting drop not something you can buy in 5 minutes transaction.
b) make gold much easier to farm. but again this can lead to huge inflation so who knows… masterwork rerolls are more or less required right now for some builds to function, so this creates way higher gold sink as intended IMO.

a) seems promising, as you said b) is pointless because it will just cause overinflation

You can’t, but not having trade is far worse.

So, I am ok with open trading and they hunting down RMT to mitigate the problem.

But I mean, the game is perfectly doable by playing it without trading or even ssf ar the moment, so I don’t get the complaints about it now…

cuz D3 was a trash game, literally garbage, and for D4 to be better they need to to change smthing.

PvP is in the game you know?

All 3 people who pvp and rock thorn build won’t care.

There is only really one way to slow the RMT groups down, And that is everything would be bind on account. Yes i know they would sell accounts, But the buyer would be risking that account getting banned.

AH is still RMT. What you need is a trading house. You put up your items for gold and thats it