How rare are multi greater affix items?

Yeah, they’re fairly rare, Thats why i offer all my 2 GA affixes to people for free on the trade channel :slight_smile:

Someone gave me a nice 2 GA ring last night too!

It would be nice, if people would give more :slight_smile:

Well, it’s a bummer it’s on the list of 4 items. And yes it’s a gamble, but when it ends on other, you still maybe can use it for any other frozen sorc :slight_smile:

I just got a unique with 3 greater affixes

Found a ring today with 3 GA. Strength, life, and 3 fury generation. Its lv 840, but stronger than any of my other 925 rings based soley on the affixes. I almost tempered it into salvage, got lucky on the last roll and got damage 40.5%/45%. I’ll take it.

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Answer: Too rare xD
Never found 3 GA
Never found 4 GA
And 1-2 items with 2 GA

Got first 925 4 GA unique, but completely unusable for me :smiley: