How do we test what we don't have?

In WoW PTR’s, there is a vendor where you can buy all the new content from, to be tested thoroughly and immediately. And you can copy your character over multiple times.

Why do we have to grind in D4’s PTR to get the new gear when the whole point is just to test the new content?

I get that WoW and D4 are different games (still under the same company) but surely D4 could learn a thing or two about how to conduct a PTR.


So do Diablo 3 PTRs.

I think they were implemented by old better devs who are no longer in Blizzard, and the current devs are just not capable of doing the same thing.


I really can’t understand the fear of giving us loot when there are 50 uniques to test.


If crafting is too hard to put into the PTR at least increase the drop rate to ridiculous numbers. Or increase the amount of drops a boss has. This is one of the reason why I don’t want to jump into PTR. I still have to fight RNG first. Then test after the PTR is over.


They may thought this is a FARMING-GAME :farmer: :man_farmer: :woman_farmer:
So we p(easant)layers are keen to work over and over again, and Devs can’t bear to deprive us of that fun.

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Surprisingly, I pickup three Mythic Unique from Tormented Bosses searching for the new uniques. I have a feeling they don’t exist yet.


But they don’t even know how to overlay a map and put sonar on it.
You are asking too much of the developers, let them learn little by little. They are new at this

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