How do i get iron golem?

i open shift and c keys and open the book that shows all the skeltons and golems but i can not change anything except the first row of any of the minions. is there somethin i need to do to change it to iron golem or any of the other options in mages and skeltons?

Level up.

It says the level requirement on them.

At level 25 you will get a quest, that at the end will give you the golem skill.

i am at level 85 and it still wont let me open blood or iron golem skills, change from bone to them. so i gotta be doing something wrong or missed something. i can only have bone. and same with the skeletons and mages i cant use the second or third options. not sure what to do there

You have to klick on an upgrade, one of the little bubble thingys besiede their icon. Open Book of the Dead from the inventory screen, or on PC Shift+C.