How do I get infernal horde keys in s6?

I’ve gotten one key so far and that was it, completed it and now nothing drops it. I can’t craft it either apparently.

Just use any compass, there is no compass tier anymore, only depends on the torment level you’re in, old compasses from S5 work too, they still list the number of waves but is gonna be 10 waves no matter what, they’re all the same, hordes tier is only related to the torment level you’re in. Constantly dropping compasses from farming pit 60, guess you can craft them too, but I didn’t look

As far as i can see while farming S6 T3 IH they feel easier than old T7 (Bosses go down way faster), already done pit 65 but didn’t try T4 IH yet tho

They drop from pit chest regularly. The above post is incorrect, the number of waves change based on the tool tip of the key.


I have some with 6, 8 and 10 waves.

Tree of Whispers drops them also.

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And tons of mats too. So those thinking iron chunks are rare, thats where mine come from

There is also an Opal that makes them drop more.
But yeah TOW, PIT Chests, Helltide Chests