How come SORC can use the Polarm Mythic, but not the Grandfather?

how come SORC can use the Polarm Mythic, but not the Grandfather ??

Because one is a polearm, the other is two-handed sword. Hope that helped.


but sorc cant use polarm =P

i support all mythic for all classes


I don’t agree. it allows them more creative freedom if they want to make something that would be broken on 1 class but strong on another. they just make it an item that class cant use. imo your take could limit the power of future Mythics.

Sorc using a two-handed weapon would mean no Godlike completely breaking the game Splintering Aspect, though.

the INVOCATION glyph does not even work with splintering aspect… that would have broken the game.

if sorc was able to use grandfather, and then put splintering on something else, they would be slightly stronger.

and knowing what bliz has done to sorc in the past, they will most likely put a cap or a diminish return on the amount of crit dmg applys to the spell coming in the next season anyways, sadge

and about the pronoob comment about limiting mythics, naw not really ?? because the polarm still needs sorc to bleed mobs, witch they cant even do, so they miss out on one of the affixes of it

Which polearm? Spear of Lycander?
If so - check again. It’s a Staff.

probably is a bug, at least at now the sorc can’t equip a polearm, but i haven’t tryed in the PTR, if you try, and even a normal polearm, not the mythic, can be used by the sorc, it’s possible that now the sorc can equip also this type of weapon

There’s a new mythic polearm that lets you do berserking stuff that drops for all classes. I equipped it on my sorc but it wasn’t actually useable. Maybe it’s a bug or something else is missing that lets it be used. A new skill, passive, or glyph. Not sure which to be honest.

The polearm does not need bleed.

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you can slot it, i didnt go use it in the field. you get it free from PTR cheater vendor