Sounds like they wasted a lot of man hours on dev time to make each dungeon different, when they should’ve just tossed together a standardized system to begin with.
If you don’t mind, sure, do it. It’s your account. If you don’t feel like you’ve got your money’s worth, cannot refund and don’t care about the other games on your account, sure.
I logged on played for five minutes and logged off.
I don’t care about the xp, I don’t care about the loot, I don’t care about the HC race…
All I care about is actually having fun killing demons and reducing mob density to a trickle is absolutely obliterating any fun that I could be having.
Every place in the entire game should be as populated as Eridu was; it had a density that felt really good to fight through, enough elites to pose a threat, and it actually required me to play the game.
If they want to standardize mob density they should be using dungeons like this as the bare minimum standard.
I’m right there with you. I love this game, have easily put 150+ hours in already if not more. But these rapid fire nerf updates are really starting to make me angry when so many things need buffed.
So many dungeons are absolutely terrible when it comes to density. 1-2 mobs per room, sometimes rooms are just empty (Black Asylum for example).
And so many core abilities / playstyles are so far from viable you’d think it was a joke.
I’m so done with these nightly patches and GAAS model. These are coming so fast you can barely digest them. Working on an Alt Sorc and these changes have made the dungeons completely bare. Its not even fun to play anymore. With the slow movement speed on this character and the amount of run time to and fro to get xp, I’ve lost all interest. I’ve played for 100’s of hours already but the trash end game and these continual xp nerfs have put the nail in the coffin for me. Now we have a huge divide between our friends and theres no way for any casual to bridge this gap. As usual its the haves and have-nots. It’s not better being the haves when all your friends are stuck at 50 with these garbage spawn rates and no drops.
It’s really frustrating too that they did this hours ago and only told us now.
The problem though about changing density is that maps with garbage layouts, intermissions with no XP/loot gain (survive mobs while door opens rooms in the middle of some dungeon), or lots of backtracking are always going to be avoided.
It blows my mind they have no idea how to make a good arpg. This genre is made to have high density mobs so you can blast through huge packs with your character for that quick eye candy/dopamine release. Its a huge part of why people play path of exile so much. Blizz is going to nerf this game into the ground if they keep doing what they are. It still took me countless hours to get to 100 grinding champs demise and ruins of eridu, we still have to put that time in playing the game and thats how we enjoy it. If you want us to stop running 1-2 specific dungeons then buff all of the others instead of nerfing the only 2 that are fun and good to farm. Not to mention the gear drops 95% of the time are garbage rolls and garbage item level so it still takes hours to farm gear but god knows how long it will take now. Wake up blizz you’re destroying your game within weeks.