Hota and upheaval together

Anyone else running hota, upheaval, charge with sundered and 3 other overpowered sources?

Needed a spender for furor and settled on hota but with veteran brawler 80% everything now one shots.

Decent boss too.

I wondered onto it and built my own paragon with max life and fury nodes to start and the. Refined. Surprisingly lots of fun.

The major issue with the build is there isn’t enough skill points to max out two core skills plus enough passive to boost them. You have to give up something somewhere.

There are a lot of problems outside of just that. Only 1 Skill will benefit from Red Ring at any given time. Those two skills do not like sharing the limelight. Really should pick one or the other and pair WW with both.

That is what I thought too. Two HOTA then Upheaval overpowers and crits (sunder and furor).

Then charge (80% veteran and 60% ancient charge) to fill fury.

With ravenous ring for more earthstriker procs along with overpower every 12 seconds.

Over 10 million upheaval crits consistently and with hota and veterans, charge is less frequent but more powerful.

Dropped Marshal glyph for this playstyle as charge is no longer searching tool so no need. Instead have 18% crit chance weapon swap plus 15% with pet. 2k OP dam, 500 cd, 230 bzrk

Everything hits harder and using melted heart.
Also paragon maxes out life (29k no doom) and max fury

After testing, with edgemaster and limitless on 2 handers, this consistently hits for 35M upheaval. Any other combo is less including rama.

When Hota procs OP it is even bigger than upheaval.

To max edgemaster and limiless, I hit my buffs then hota twice, charge to max fury, then upheaval for the win.

Roughly at 36+18+15= 69 CC with 500 CD which provides super consistency where charge hits hard enough to one shot without veterans.