Hot Take: If the Crown of Lucion makes every build viable, why is that bad?

Of course if you are a druid and need tempest roar you are just hosed…

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Because the relative strength of every build remains the same. It just makes the minimum higher. More builds will clear T100 Pit. It doesn’t make Fireball any better compared to Bash.

Crown of Lucion as it is is power creep. Do I hate it? No. But it absolutely does nothing to fix the number of viable builds as it just makes the ceiling higher.


Is Crown of Lucion damage buff only to the skill spending the primary resource or is it a global damage buff?

Because its too hard for the d2 aficionados to accept that its either a few cookie cutter uniques making a lot of builds on a lot of classes viable or there being only equally useless trash with which they could pretend to make meme overworld farming builds. News flash, in D2 all was centered on a few overpowered uniques and RWs as well, with 99% of all other uniques bein role play tier garbage. Of course, streamers welcome the most abstruse items possible, which work only in the most specific and obviously unintended combos imaginable - cause such create a need for their content. Now we can pretend that Lizzard will suddenly rework every unique and skill in the game to be viable and offer unique gameplay and demand nerfs for any and all decent items that pop up…but we really know how that game of pretend ends up.


What I’m worried here the crown is gonna become the new Tibault’s Will

There should be more options (more accessible) that enable a certain build; if the goal is to move away from a must have meta item for all builds.

Linear Upward Progression = Powercreep.

Everything introduced NOW causes everything introduced TOMORROW to require an increased numerical threshold and value - this affects content, builds and player agency and expectations.

This is a design folly and a trap that the devs fell into(see: D3)
They need to get themselves and the game out of this black hole of all consuming mediocrity, powercreep and nonsensical, ever increasing and utterly arbitrary numerical multipliers.


If by meta-breaking you mean bugged to Hell and back, sure. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good item despite that. I don’t see it being viable for everything though — especially not skills with high base costs.

Builds should be strong enough to stand on their own. Uniques should boost them further or alter their playstyle to some degree. Requiring a unique to be viable feels awful especially with Tempering being present.

Hopefully, based on the Campfire Chat, more Uniques will be more build-enabling and better support the skills they’re made for.


As said, to solve these problem they need to boost the class restricted things, their unique, legendary aspect, legendary nodes, skills, etc…, you can’t give a x2.25 to the damage of all build and all class and pretend you have solved the problem of the weakest classes, and then basically killing the diversity of the builds,not solve the problem of the balance at all, and killing also all the build that use an unique helm, but it’s not only a problem of this unique, almost all the generic unique that they have added are broken, compared then to the class restricted one, that are much more in line with their power, the exactly opposite that should have done


Exactly. I been saying this forever.

They nerfed Tibault’s Will and Banished Lord’s Talisman because those were too powerful.

I’m not sure why they think Crown of Lucion’s power is ok. Always one step forward two steps back I guess.


Did you read the rest of what I said ?

Every class could’ve equipped the Heart of Barber as well, does not exclude the fact that was absolute terrible design/decision

The reason wasn’t class-based design, the reason is Crown of Lucian is what I consider as a “nuclear option”, an item that once you equip you go 20 pits higher

That’s why I said - what happens for those that don’t equip it ?, and even more - what happens with other items competing for the helm spot ?

Items should compete with one another, not have a “nuclear option” i.e. “BiS” for everything (and everyone)

Exactly, this. Same is the case b.t.w. with Starfall

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Everyone has good points here, some I agree with, and again, let me clarify:

  1. Crown of Lucion (or Lucran’s Talisman) are not the ideal solution for all classes underperforming. It’s a bandaid. It’s better than “nothing” and for example having Blight suddenly become complete trash. I’d take a bandaid rather than nothing. Even if it means removing said bandaid later for a better long term solution.
  2. It is Power Creep, but it’s similar in concept to D2 as well. As long as they don’t introduce too many items like that regularly, I think it’s fine.
  3. Yes it’s buggy currently, and of course I’m talking about the Crown of Lucion as it should be without the bugs.

Absolutely. As much as I love D2, some Runewords are just pure crazy %dmg increase with some bells and whistles. A SOJ is just “hey, here are +1 to all your skills”. There’s nothing fancy about it, and yet everyone loves a nice SOJ drop.

because the item is bugged and need to be fixed.

I vaguely remember the last campfire, they said they wanted to reduce the role of the non-class unique, and then this helmet appeared :crazy_face: so I think maybe I don’t understand English very well :crazy_face:.

Maybe it just oneway to strengthen Core Skills, but i still think they should strengthen Starfall Coronet first :face_holding_back_tears:.

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They made a bunch of OP uniques, realized they were too strong - then nerfed base power in response. Now it’s basically “your build sucks until you get one of the banger uniques, then you do x300% more damage”.

In a perfect world every build should function with just skills, paragon, and legendaries supporting it. It shouldn’t be like “Oh I finally got a Lucion, now I can respec my entire character to play the build I wanted to play from the beginning”


Like others have said, the Crown is bad because it creates more power creep which seems to be completely out of control at this point. Because every class can use it, it solves nothing as far as class balance is concerned. The top class, Barb, will get even stronger those raising the bar even further and to maintain the status quo virtually every build would have to use the Crown.

Dial it back now, before it ever gets into the base game, to avoid all the crying and gnashing of teeth when it has to be NERFED later.

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That is all they have been doing since beta. Bandaids. They need to stop doing bandaids and start doing reworks. All these bandaids are just digging them in a deeper hole that is tougher and tougher to climb out of.

All these new uniques and class powers every season just adds to the problem. Long ago they destroyed crit/vuln buckets. Those worked fine. They simply needed to give skills that had poor access to vuln better access. I enjoyed the gear hunt more back then.

Now they have a multiplier problem that is the same problem. Some skills have lots of access to them and others don’t. They are bandaiding that with new uniques. The problem still exist. Skills with better multiplier access just makes those exponentially stronger while skills with limited access just makes em feel ok.

This dev team hasn’t a clue. Bandaids are not a solution. The classes and skills all now need a deep dive greater than this gear deep dive was. And I don’t even think the gear deep dive was all that great.


D3 itemization would like a word. I don’t, nor will I play a game where only 1 item per slot is optimal.

One Ring(Item) to Rule them All(CoL>all Builds/Items).
What could go wrong?
(worst imaginable design direction)

We need to print inspirational posters, T-shirts, coffee mugs, cutesy stuffed animals, floor mats, mouse pads etc with this Bolded quote and send a truck of it all to Blizz HQ - DIABLO 4 Design Dept.

Because the rich get richer.

Just do some simple math. If I’m playing some F-tier build doing 200k DPS, Lucion gets me to 450k. If I’m playing some bugged S-tier build doing 200 billion DPS, Lucion gets me to 450 billion. The gap widens between S-tier and F-tier, exacerbating the already trash balance that we have.