Hot Take: If the Crown of Lucion makes every build viable, why is that bad?

If the Crown of Lucion is such a meta breaking item, and enables any build to become viable, then… how is that a bad thing?

Sure, everyone will end up using that same item because of that, this part sucks, but at least we would see an explosion in the amount of viable endgame build, wouldn’t we?

If that’s the patchwork Blizzard needs to make all classes “somewhat” equal, then why would we be against it?


Well, with this attitude we are going to wear a preset bunch of uniques on any build of every class killing all the spirit of these type of games, where the building it’s the main core, maybe all the guides are starting to deform the original core of these games also in the mentality of the player, and even the “old” ones, allowing us to use almost in all build the same items it’s another level of autopilot.
And I don’t think that this helm it’s the main problem, also that sword for the basic skill and the amulet are broken, for the amulet you basically put the unique passive power of the necro to be used for everyone, and is even stronger, couse is 1x and not 0.5x per point of resource, to be a fair item should at max give a 0.2/0.4x damage for point of resource, and will still be overpower.

And to end this post, all the weaker build are functional, clear in 2 minutes a pit 110 instead of a pit 100 when also all the already strongest class get this same buff, with the unique helm in this case, will make the situation exactly the same, they need to buff and put the power to balance the game in the class restricted unique, legendary aspect, legendary nodes and any class restricted things, and seems that they are doing the exact opposite, and this don’t solve the problem and we shouldn’t be happy for them taking the easiest way putting a 2x damage on a item and that it to solve a problem, that is still unsolved


What happens to those that don’t have it equipped ? :person_shrugging:

This is like Heart of the Barber 2.0, “nuclear options” (or character on/off switch if you like) are always a bad solution


but the crown doesnt even do that, it makes the strongest builds stronger, and makes the weaker builds stronger, so the difference is the same, or even more off, since strong builds probably profiting more from it.

the design here is terrible. Shako was outperforming most helmets by a wide margin on most builds, and now we have lucion outperforming harle, and isnt even an uber.


This I agree with, it should at least be an Uber and not just generic unique.

I mean it’s a bandaid, but since Blizzard doesn’t seem to know how to boost a build with nerfing the entire class to the ground, maybe the only redeemable solution is one of the overkill uniques to make all builds really strong?

so the solution is to make all builds using the same items, and stright remove all the ideas for different playstyles, since they arent fitting anymore.

What a great game /s, but i want no part in it.


Agreed, all the helms need to have a “theme” they offer and be comparable

Shako gives DR and Core damage, ok fine

Lucian gives Core damage and Resource Gen/CR

Godslayer’s gives CC and damage (needs to be buffed more though)

Visage gives LS and Poison damage/res (which frankly wish was more impactful)

TR gives ?? :person_shrugging: :slight_smile:

You get the idea, for example Godslayer’s should probably give CC, Damage vs CC, and CC reduction (goes more in theme with the item itself)

The items (including the Mythical uniques) should be comparable and not overlap/overperform one another (sure, can’t make them all work, but at least try make comparable with clear/thematic pros and not necessarily cons but lack-offs)

for sure, i mean they actually said they wanted more diversity on uniques, making them more niche and not universally good. and then they add these abominations. Thats not game design i want to see. also they are just statsticks., there is not even anything remotely cool here.


Especially since the perception of what makes a build “viable” is largely driven by how it perfoms in comparison to other builds/classes. There are plenty of builds that can clear just about anything in the game outside of super high pit levels. Most of them are still considered “trash” because they pale in comparison to the very best builds.

“Buffing” every class by introducing very generic/boring items will homogenize item selection across classes and builds, degenerate the core gameplay even more than it already is and will not change “classe balance” at all.

Yep, don’t forget some are leftovers, for ex. Shako was the GO TO item from S1… That’s why it’s a quadruple abomination, think they can scale one thing down on it tbh, for example the RCR (or CDR for that matter)

I think Lucian’s fine with the unique power, not all uniques need be something completely wacky, it’s just need to balance them out thematically better with a clear goal

Shako (DR and Core Damage)
Lucian (Core damage and RC/R)
Godslayer (Damage and CC-related stuff)
Andy (LS and Overtime/Poison)


Next one could be

Cyntra’s visor (Fortify, Barrier, AoE radius)

You get the idea, agreed, they need differentiate the power-gain/power-offer a bit more so they differ

Additionally would like to point/add - Starfall’s Coronet could allow Meteor equippable for all classes (not just change/alter for Sorc)

Different classes and builds interact with that item differently. There are some bugs that make using that helm insanely op. For instance chain lightning or that Druid build hitting in the quadrillions of damage with it.

What happens now is they nerf the piss out of the class to bandaid fix that interaction. Now the class/build becomes insanely bad instead.

Also that item becomes a must have. Must haves aren’t good. Power should come from the class and builds. Items should just augment that. Balancing stuff just becomes a nightmare of bandaids to fix what items break. Then we have what we have now… a few builds broken op and the rest mostly dog crap. Can’t play the skills that you want to because it’s just a ginormous struggle to do so.

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its bad because the item is just “equip this and do more damage” is literally just stats and damage multiplier, its boring af.

It also creates something that happened in d2 where all builds used the same uniques and runewords and the same with d3 where all builds used sets and the same uniques and horadric cube powers.
I don’t think the majority of the community wants that to happen to diablo 4.

u didnt got the point here. these bugged interactions will be fixed, but the item remains the strongest option on that slot by miles, except for resource less builds, since it doesnt work for some reason even when stacking the buff with other spells. Same with that sword for all basics, it made other weapon based basic uniques like the new sorc staff completely pointless. neck is the same, its insanely powerful for critbuilds.

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Every class can equip it. Build comes and goes. This is only a problem when the player fixates on 1 build w.o venturing outside his/her comfort zone.

Of course if you are a druid and need tempest roar you are just hosed…

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Because the relative strength of every build remains the same. It just makes the minimum higher. More builds will clear T100 Pit. It doesn’t make Fireball any better compared to Bash.

Crown of Lucion as it is is power creep. Do I hate it? No. But it absolutely does nothing to fix the number of viable builds as it just makes the ceiling higher.


Is Crown of Lucion damage buff only to the skill spending the primary resource or is it a global damage buff?

Because its too hard for the d2 aficionados to accept that its either a few cookie cutter uniques making a lot of builds on a lot of classes viable or there being only equally useless trash with which they could pretend to make meme overworld farming builds. News flash, in D2 all was centered on a few overpowered uniques and RWs as well, with 99% of all other uniques bein role play tier garbage. Of course, streamers welcome the most abstruse items possible, which work only in the most specific and obviously unintended combos imaginable - cause such create a need for their content. Now we can pretend that Lizzard will suddenly rework every unique and skill in the game to be viable and offer unique gameplay and demand nerfs for any and all decent items that pop up…but we really know how that game of pretend ends up.


What I’m worried here the crown is gonna become the new Tibault’s Will

There should be more options (more accessible) that enable a certain build; if the goal is to move away from a must have meta item for all builds.

Linear Upward Progression = Powercreep.

Everything introduced NOW causes everything introduced TOMORROW to require an increased numerical threshold and value - this affects content, builds and player agency and expectations.

This is a design folly and a trap that the devs fell into(see: D3)
They need to get themselves and the game out of this black hole of all consuming mediocrity, powercreep and nonsensical, ever increasing and utterly arbitrary numerical multipliers.