Hold on to useless duplicates of Uber Unique

Ok thanks for the information, much appreciated.
But what about having to salvage uber uniques to get a wardrobe style ? Is that working as intended or will there be a way to unlock those without salvaging our most precious items ?

Thanks for letting us know.

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I swear, Iā€™m mostly defending blizzard on a lot of things but if they say ā€œIf you had an uber unique from a previous season your able to bring that One Unique to any seasonā€¦ā€

I will seriously blow up the F up cause I already Salvaged it !!!

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Na you are dreaming to much I can put money on them putting in a NPC to trade your unwanted uber uniques for either uber unique shards (spend x shards on this exact unique), or a uber unique box like you get from quest line completions or the tree. 5 Uber uniques for 1 box that when opened gives you a random uber unique is what it will likely be.

Just another crappy idea to try and save this game from burning into the ground.

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To be fairā€¦if Blizzard implemented a system like that for all uniquesā€¦not just uber uniques I would have a use for the plethora of uniques sitting in my stash taking up valuable inventory space that I will probably never useā€¦

Make it happen Blizz!!!

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I save all my uber uniques. We have 5 stash tabs, not to mention the personal inventory on each character. What else would you save?

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Finally, something to do with this sack full of Crests and Doombringsersā€¦

I honestly never got a single Uber (yet) but I hope what they have planed also includes normal uniquesā€¦ those of which I have a chest full of.

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Yeah, Iā€™ll sure hang on to my 0 uber since season 2. :smile:

meanwhile buy more cosmetics. :hamster: :popcorn:


I save nothing because in a few short months beta release expansion number one comes out.

It works on normal Uniques too.

What ā€˜useless duplicatesā€™?
What Uber Uniques?
Over 100 runs and not one dropā€¦
Suppose all thatā€™s working as intended - ā€˜cuz yuā€™d get board if u had everythignā€™ right-on!
How many hours of farming when folks Iā€™ve treated to a few runs get one on their 1st or 2 in 5.
Feels GREAT!
Canā€™t wait til I have the 1st world ā€œduplicate UU problemā€ and something to do with them.

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This is funny because they are catering now to the ppl who have been duping. (Or buying dupes)

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i think they will be adding currency for dissenchanting uber uniques with a shop that you can buy the right one when you get duplicate :slight_smile:

making it succesfull bad luck protection
thats how it was in WoW:Legion

but hey, who am i cheating ? witch such bozos devs never gonna happen

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I hope the new whatever system apply to normal unique as well.

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Why would we use our limited stash space to keep items we donā€™t use, even if they are uber?

salvaging a unique should return a couple of forgotten souls. that should be the change, but it should be EVERY unique, and an uber unique should return 15 forgotten souls.

Ofc. Because these are the only people who keep playing the game for more than a week. This isnā€™t a game for casuals or hardcore players. Itā€™s a game for fomo whales that actually pay for all the stuff.

For all I care I would bet that a couple of bliz devs run these rmt sites to make a quick nice buck.

Anybody know when this is going to be if even?
My stash is full of Ubers, yes all Tabs.