Hey you, normal people, I'm talking to you

Yeah, you.
The average joe.
The normal guy.

Keep saying what you need in the game.
Don’t let the 1% dictate how the game should be.

You are the base of this game.
You are the 99%.
People should listen you and your needs.


I’m an average joe, what if I don’t ask for anything in particular?

So you are ok.

Well I shouldn’t say I don’t ask for anything in particular. I have a list of things, but nothing pertaining to anything out of the recent requests. I’m after QoL, more content, and balance in general. Everything else is fine for me, for the most part.

I just want the basic seasons journey to not req ubers

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I want Rainbow sparkle ponies, and my cosmic wings from D3

An average Joe with 7000+ posts? You’re certainly in the 1% of forum users!


I want a Lamborgini
Ferrari will do too

I’m more a Maserati guy.

Being able to post on my phone versus being able to play are two different things. I’m an average joe as a player, definitely not as a forum poster.

IMO most average players do not spend time on video game forums.


I’m just an “average Joe” myself. Want nothing other then things to keep moving forward; and there have been some pretty big “forwards” over the past two months. It will be interesting to see what more changes come over the next few months.

They should. It is the best part.

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Fair enough but,

20 char

The average joe does not come here. Nor do they care about 99% of what is brought up on these forums.

They simply log in and play the game.

If you are here, you are already an outlier.


I need Pits to drop 100% materials for entire party.

I need forced online game chat,trade,LFG system.
It’s absolutely silly this didn’t come with base game.

I need mtx that isn’t 30 friggin dollars for a game we paid 70+ for and still don’t have Diablo…IN DIABLO.

I need enchanting cap at 1mil per roll.

I need to see what the % of rolling an enchant/temper are, if they aren’t equally weighted. (They aren’t)

I need bots squelched.

I need more than 5 builds that work for end game.

I need tradeable Uber uniques.

its a really hard balance to keep a normal gamer “very causal plays for a hour every few days” happy along with the hardcore player that plays 12 hours a day 7 days a week.

I personally dont want to punish less hardcore players but also have ways for those that put more time into the game to be more rewarded for their efforts. Rng is great overall but the layers upon layers upon layers of rng on the same item doesnt feel good for either.

I dont envy the devs needing to try and balance this

I agree people should keep giving feedback. But people who don’t agree with that feedback should also feel free to say so. Doesn’t make them part of the 1%.

I am trying.
Sadly Blizzard is moving in the wrong direction.

Dont change tempering limit. It is required in the current design.
However, it would be better if the two affixes were moved back to when the item drops. Where they belong.

Also massively nerf all player character builds. Some of the strongest builds should be nerfed by 90%+.
It will be impossible to balance this game unless a sensible baseline is established, without insane scaling problems.

Get rid of trading already.

Make combat engaging and challenging. Diablo 4 gameplay is outright boring now.

And much more of course.

P.S. No, devs should not automatically listen to anyone. Not the 1% or the 99% (even if we pretended that the 99% exist, which they very much don’t). Blizzard should have their own vision for their game.
Sadly, they don’t seem to.

I don’t think feedback is in-itself a problem… it’s how it’s delivered and presented.

If someone jumps on the forums all upset, calling out other people or worst the devs tossing nothing but shade… it’s disrespectful. It’s the reason a lot of posts are going ‘poof’ over the last hour. A person can have honest feedback without toxicity.