Here's why content creators and streamers are in panic mode

Yeah Blizzard completely botched the endgame. What made them think people wanted D3 all over again? That game is dead for a reason. They should have took inspiration from the modern ARPGs on the market not D3.

What is your defination of dead? How many video games can we consider “dead” because it reached the end of it’s lifecycle.

D3 was played for many years and was still being played up until the point of D4 release.

D4 will have many years of players logging on and enjoying Sanctuary. If you are not one of them, then by all means, go play another game.

D3 has never been close to being dead lol. The only 2 similarities D4 has to D3 is obol farming aka bloodshards and Grim Favor farming aka bounties.

The only 2 similarities D4 has to D3 is obol farming aka bloodshards and Grim Favor farming aka bounties.

So you don’t see similarities between Tree of Whispers and Bounties, Nightmare Dungeons and Rifts.

What is your defination of dead? How many video games can we consider “dead” because it reached the end of it’s lifecycle.

Dead compared to other ARPGs like PoE that basically have created a standard what Season for ARPG means.

I like D4 very much but I hope it is not just Rifts all over again.

This is so beyond accurate and hysterical I wish I could crown you king of this forum.

Grim favors=Tree of whispers. The only similarities that that GR/Rifts share with NM dungeons is the sigil upgrading after you complete them aka legendary gem up grades from D3. Aside from that they are completely different.

So what it is the difference?

Rifts/GR’s you just kill demons to fill up a progress bar, NM dungeons you do annoying objectives that get in your way of the killing demons part. To be clear I’m not praising either system, they are both equally as terrible.

I don’t like PoE. I find it incredibly boring. I like D3.

Rhykker has left the chat.


they are mostly paid and can be bought easily to spew flowers out of their mouth but in long term it will ruin their reputation. then they’ll decline, then they’ll fade away.