Help with flurry/barrage dual core build concept

Help please. I liked playing the dual core flurry/rapid fire close combat build using smoke grenade instead of an imbuement.

I looked at Maxwell ratings and currently barrage builds are strong in the areas that flurry/rapid fire is weak. So I am thinking of combining the two subbing barrage for rapid fire. Barrage seems a good replacement for rapid fire given that Barrage single target would benefit from close combat modifiers.

Two big issues:

  1. Key Passive: Close Combat vs. Precision

  2. Damage vs mobility: Cold Imbuement or Shadow Step

And a question: Will Skyhunter give flurry a guaranteed crit every cast? I am thinking I could benefit from vulnerable damage bonus, close combat bonus and a guaranteed first hit crit. Plus the bonus from the Tricks of the Trade legendary node.


I don’t think switching out rapid fire for barrage will shore up the flurry rapid fire build’s weakness in the way that you think.

The reason the barrage build is ranked higher is because it’s a single core build that also uses the reworked branching volleys aspect and because precision (and therefore ranged combo point builds) is just that much stronger than CQC this season.

The problem is then, if you pick up precision, then your barrage is stronger but leaves flurry in the dark and if you’re going dual core then you need to drop the branching volleys aspect if you want have enough aspect slots, and then if you’re wanting to squeeze in another imbuement, then that’s going to be tough on your mobility since you can only slot in 1 of dash, shadow step, concealment.

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Thank you for the reply.

This is for next season when flurry gets buffed. You make a good point. Rapid Fire is likely underperforming because of the key passive choice. I was thinking that Barrage might do better than rapid fire because of the close distance used for single targets.

Edit: After thinking some more about your advice, I decided to experiment with my latest build (smoke grenade, shadow step and dash, with Grasp of Shadow and Umbrous Aspect triggering Shadow Clone and Dark Shroud) .

2d Edit: Tried it on the PTR. Gave up on Umbrous and swapped Dash for Cold imbue. Happy now.