Help me with my chain lightning sorc

What do you guys think is the best stats to use for my build? Its very squishy but can kill 10 - 20 levels higher than it is atm which is level 80. I loved the maxroll idea but it didn’t continue it. I generally just winged it and I don’t really know enough to know what the best damage values to aim for are. This is just what I have now.

The idea is basically an instant mob kill style. The chain lightning procs vulnerable while you frost nova and everything dies. Accursed touch will nearly 1 shot left over elites due to them being frozen. I only have one unique ring atm but I plan to get the ones listed. Stats included are the ones I have been building up to.

2nd Revision

Helm - Lucky hit or Cooldown/Armor/All Resist or Harlequins Crest
Tempuring - Frost Nova Cooldown + Size
Aspect - Everliving
Gem - Sapphire for Paragon

Chest - Intelligence/Armor/Ice Armor
Tempering - Frost Nova Cooldown + Size
Aspect - Mage-Lords
Gem - 2 Topaz

Gauntlets - Attack Speed/Critical Chance/Chain Lightning
Tempering - Damage + Frost Nova Size
Aspect - Unbroken Tether

Pants - Tassets Of The Dawning Sky
Gems - 2 Intelligence

Boots - Esus Heirloom

Wand - Damage/Vulnerable/Crit Damage or Intelligence
Tempering - Damage+ Chain Lightning 2x Chance
Aspect - Control
Gem - Emerald

Focus - Damage/Crit Chance/Crit Damage or Intelligence Tempering - Damage + Chain Lightning 2x Chance
Aspect - Accelerating
Gem - Emerald

Pendant - Movement Speec/Attack Speed/Damage
Tempering - Damage/Movement Speed
Aspect - Recharging
Gem - Diamond

Ring - Inteligence/Damage/Attack Speed or Ring of Starless Skies
Tempering - Damage/Unstable Currents Cooldown
Aspect - Elements
Gem - Skull

Ring - Tal Rashas Iridescent Loop
Gem - Skull



Firebolt 2/5


Chain Lightning 5/5 + Enhanced and Greater 5/5
Devastation 1/3 > Elemental Dominance 3/3
Potent Warding 3/3


Flame Shield 1/5 + Enhanced and Shimmering
Ice Armor 1/5 + Enhanced and Mystical 1/5
Frost Nova 5/5 + Enhanced and Mystical 5/5
Teleport 1/5 + Enhanced and Shimmering
Elemental Attunement 3/3 > Infinite Frost Armor
Glass Cannon 3/3


Precision Magic 3/3 > Need for the infinite frost armor
Align the Elements 1/3 > Mana Shield 3/3 > Protection 3/3


Inner Flames 1/3 > Devouring Blaze 2/3


Unstable Currents + Prime
Coursing Currents 1/3 > Electrocutions 3/3

Key Passives

Vyrs Mastery

Chain Lightning

Paragon Board Glyphs



All but Searing. Cant find any use anything on it besides a glyph but i cant find a way to get it with the points left.

Still working on which to exclude and the best path for the 8 glyphs. I basically stole the ball lightning and new chain lightning boards and meshed them together. Haven’t tried to perfect them yet tho

I can easily kill duriel with this in less than 30 seconds if there weren’t any forced stages so this is great. Not sure how to proceed from here or what to focus with masterworking though. Probably cooldowns for unstable and attack speed?

Thanks for any help.

You don’t need Stable Aspect. It sounds cool but isn’t nearly as good as a multiplier. If you don’t want to use Basic attacks (which you shouldn’t) also ditch Aspect of Might. I’d be shocked if you needed both Prodigy’s and Recharging Aspect; Recharging with Static Salone should be more than enough with proper gearing to keep you casting as fast as you can without ever running out of mana. I wouldn’t bother with Accursed Aspect since you have several other ways to apply Vulnerable. Mage Lord’s also doesn’t strike me as a good choice. The improvement it gives you over base Vyr’s is fairly marginal (the bonuses are multiplicative with the base values on Vyr’s, not additive).

Prioritize Aspects with damage multipliers on them - Conceited, Stormswell, Edgemaster’s, Control, etc.

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Stat wise, attack speed is probably the most important. CL can very easily have infinite mana, so there’s no reason not to maximize this, which also increases the frequency of Static Surge procs and lucky hits should you be relying on those for anything.

Crit chance comes after that. Don’t worry too much about additive damage modifiers - use them where they’re the best option on a tempering, but most of them time something else will be better.

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INT and Attack speed on rings

INT on weapons over flat damage.

aspect wise, for sure drop disobedience

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I thought attack spead only affected basic skills. It affects casting times for everything?

Yes. There used to be an affix that was “Basic Skill Attack Speed” but I believe that’s gone now with the itemization rework. Attack speed as it exists applies to all casting times.

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Ah that explains it. I played when d4 launched and basically skipped all the changes till now.

The basic attack speed affix has been removed from orange items (but still on uniques).

there is also an aspect called Rapid which is +30% basic attack speed only.

Otherwise there is general attack speed which affects all skills.

Finally, both basic attack speed and Acceleration aspect get around the 100% attack speed stat cap.

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Got any ideas for more damage reduction? I can kill duriel but it basically 2 shots me. I already have basically every good damage reduction glyph and aspect so im not sure what else is left. Without duriel i cant get the helm either.

Have you maxed your poison resist and capped your armor?

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Could go the selig route.

Do you already use reinforced glpyh too?

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Yeah. In the end i needed to get tassets of the dawning sky. Without it regardless of what i do durels poison basically 1 shots me. With it however i can basically face tank duriel.

Also @macroninja Yeah i use it. Ive changed stuff around a lot. ill update my stuff in a bit to reflect it. In the end without tassets of the dawning sky elements just do to much damage. But im to a point where i can kill duriel in less than 30 seconds so its great.

I’m doing a chain lightning/lightning spear build with Starless ring and i’ve basically run out of steam around pit 50+.

I can still get a shako to boost my dmg a bit and probably push me up to 60, but the scaling just isn’t there compared to other stuff.

Yeah im noticing that to. Im hitting lvl 130s atm and i only have lvl 4 masterworked items with level 15 glyphs so i can probably hit the 150s i think.

Theres no way to kill a torment boss tho sadly.