Helltides and why no one likes them!

so you want them to make a roomba , lol.

they got that in D3

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It is a QoL feature, so yeah. Either that or increase vaccuum on player. The range to pick up Gold, Materials, and Cinders is pretty stupid.


How bout make the mobs harder.

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Yeah we need WT5. 20chars

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I love helltide. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Just make forgotten souls and Bloodthorn roses tradable so i never have to do heltide again. Make all materials tradable creates more economy and people can spend time doing the things they want. :blush:

NO that’s the last thing we want is more things to be tradable so more people will then RMT through the game NOPE I’d rather slay mobs for it since that’s the whole point of the game!


they should have them in the zones with all the nice colored hot spring pools and spiders

Hell tides are fine as is. You just need to play the game better.


Look how well that turned out for forgotten souls…

If the world could scale to nmd100 level most of helltides issues would be solved, alas that doesn’t seem to be happening with the one-shot everythig meta


They don’t do stuff like that to fix Helltides because the devs for D4 don’t understand FUN. FUN is a foreign concept that has nothing to do with coding or making or playing games.

Even the events for this game are taken from their other games. Vampires. Lunar Festival…blah blah. D4 steals from WoW and DI.

I wish it would start stealing more from D2, and you know, OTHER Diablo games. Wouldn’t that be novel? Maybe even get a Diablo Boss someday which has been in at the start of every Diablo game EXCEPT D4?

This is Diablo without Diablo…


yeah my overall gripe with D4 the difficulty challenge curve is not stable or exciting enough, i agree the level 80 ease of most content at that point gets boring. Also they need to bring back golds or make the champions stronger and look cooler, the battlefield feels boring and elites and champs don’t excite and threaten like they should.


yes when POE feels more diablo than diablo there is something wrong. The certainly need to take more ideas and inspiration from the older diablo games. Even the traps lack the flare and variety. Why does every barrel and chest trap have the same generic red lighting, makes the game less interesting, it’s like they are going for bland and vanilla, in this case they have knocked it out the park lol. Whenever i can imagine cool ideas when playing a game, that tells me the development has issues, i should be satisfied and lost in the game world not thinking and imagining better ideas and execution. Even more so ,when they have 3 games to pull from and POE that is heavily diablo inspired. Even though the current core game has problems, it’s also the gutted content that makes d4 get boring, there is just a lack of items and flare, scrolls, searchable items like finding books and scrolls, identifying rare items, there is just nothing like this in the game.

Helltide is bad content, it’s not fun and should be either scrapped or reworked in some form. It’s like a worse version of other content in the game, its looting but the mob density is poor and the rewards besides the living steel chest are bad. Helltide would be much more interesting if it worked like the dragon’s stand zone in gw2.

Basically its a zone were players participate in a series of events that progress to the final boss. Each step of the way new events spawn that lead to bosses and reward treasure and loot. At the end they face the big dragon and after its beaten it spawns a big loot chest.

Helltide could do something similar, were players participate in a series of events that lead to killing lesser demon bosses until they reach the final boss that rewards the big chest consisting of Duriel mats etc.


DS is probably too complex for D4, but i get you, something more unique and interesting to the zone would be great. Biggest overall issue with D4 is how vanilla everything feels once you reach level 50-60 and then it feels all the same. Same disappointment S3 has yet again, i feel like its over in T3, all i can do is level and grind. Story is over. So just doing the chapters. And the rewards are not even enticing. So even though i welcome vaults, the game feels still very vanilla. Yes at least GW2 builds and adds to it’s game, big issue with d4 is it struggles to do this in exciting and interesting ways, it keeps climaxing too soon so to speak. the carrot just falls on the floor and you still have 40 levels to go.

PoE is garbage and I don’t wanna see D4 turn into garbage too. Go play PoE if you like it that much. D4 is a much better game than PoE … well, every ARPG is better than PoE.


lol, poe is literally more diablo than 3 or 4 , so while your attack is invalid, as it is factually incorrect. I play both since i have no obligation to a video game or developer, but my opinion at least is factually accurate. Yours is just gaslighting and abrasive. The comment wasn’t about which game is better. It was about how poe feels when i play it, and when i do it feels more like diablo, minus the stuff they added to make it there own. That is what i think when i play them and compare, since While D4 may have wanted to re-brand itself, i think it left far too much behind.

Helltides are fine. The fact that it is almost permanently on is good enough for me.

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Because they are clueless and incompetent. You really need someone to tell you this ??

Nightmare level open world where you can pick the level in 10 steps up to 100 (or higher, why stop there?). Loot should match the difficulty.