Having level scaling and still being good!

Currently level scaling has been a voiced problem by many players and YouTubers.
The Problem is that as you level you can start to feel weaker. This causes the player to want to play at low level. I started world tier 3 at level 45 and at level 62 I felt weaker than I did at 45. At late levels, if you plan to change spec you have to have the entire gear before you change. You can’t just drop a tier of difficult in your transition.

My proposition on solving this is having each world tier scale like a logarithmic curve. A log curve starts big on growth and levels out as it grows. You would still have a starting level requirement for each world tier (i.e. level 50 for tier 3).

Each world tier could have a soft level cap. When a player reaches the soft level cap the scaling will continue but at a decreased rate. For example:

-World tier 3 potential soft cap at 70
Player level
40 50 60 70 80 90
Monster level
50 50 60 70 75 80

-World tier 4 potential soft cap at 80 or 85
Player level
60 70 80 85 90 95
Monster level
70 70 80 85 87 90

-World tier 5 no cap
level 100 will be matched with level 100

-World tier 6 no cap instead stronger
level 100 would face higher level matched monsters. Maybe 110 or 120

This would allow scaling to continue and allow players to feel as they are improving as they play. If player is feeling it is too easy, they can go to the higher world tier. If a player wants to re spec, they can go to a lower tier to get the base gear set up.

This in my mind would be better than the suggested hard caps you see people asking for.

They have a solution

You go to the black smith and upgrade your gear

People are sleeping on that guy so hard it ain’t funny


All my legendary gear is lvl 3 upgraded and I still suck when I am teamed up with my lower lvl friends in rare gear.

scaling just must be totally removed from the game. Miserable mechanics.

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I like the idea of scaling. I just think it needs tweaked. I want to feel stronger as I level, but I also don’t want to get to the point where I one shot everything including bosses. That is why I think the scale should be a log curve instead of a linear. You could have a inferno difficulty for linear scaling.

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I’m sorry to say you might just suck then, back to the drawing board for you