Have people in Sanctuary run out of Black dye?

Am I missing something or does the game have no Black dye? I wanted to dye my gear all black but there was nothing. The closest to it was “Gray”. And it was hardly close.

I also couldn’t dye my eyeballs Red either. It’s a Diablo game, why can’t we have red eyes so we can channel our EEEEEEEVEEL through our smoldering stare??

Say what you want about the disaster that is Wolcen, but at least it allowed me to give my eyeballs 2 different colors, one for each.


Yeah no black and no white. Orange, yellow, purple look really washed out and poor to me. I am hoping at least some more colors come to the shop if nothing else.

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I think more colors must be coming as there was a color wheel to each tone so I think later on we will have a much larger range of colors.

I think it’s just the game’s terrible palette. Reshade mods can fix that.

Well, even launch-D3 had black dye.

The special D3 dyes were the Bottled Smoke & Bottled Cloud that came from the CE. The others were just dyes.

Black and white dyes were “special” dyes in D3. I think thats no exeption here.

They want to sell something in their cash shop… I’m sure black and white dyes will be the most popular, so they’ll sell them.


Bingo. Cash Shop.

Bright White and Pure Black are usually the most desired colors in dye systems.

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If i remember right they were account bound from my Collectors edition and every char i created had some in the mailbox.

Bottled Smoke (wasn’t 100% black, that was Abyssal Dye) & Bottled Cloud (not 100% white, more like light gray).

game is not black or white enough, its not based on christianity.

so clearly its missing.

Yes you are right! These are the ones i am talking about.

Thank all the folks that whined D3 was too colorful. This is what we got. A sleepy-time color palette.

I found the dye system to be odd. When I saw the color wheel I assumed I could choose one of any of the colors present but it did it automatically. Not sure why there’s more than one color present when you can’t use the other ones. Unless I’m missing something (which is entirely possible).


I hope there’s a loading screen tip that says:

There is no Whimsydale.

There will probably be a vast color palette eventually. Remember, they need things to fill up the battle pass and mtx store with! :joy:

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probably have to pay money for those colors…

Same here. I thought I would be able to choose which colors I wanted from the palette and it just had them grouped for easy sorting. But if that’s the case, I certainly didn’t figure it out.

Would definitely prefer a more flexible system where parts in an outfit dye separately rather than the whole piece getting the preassigned color palette and I would LOVE more colors: black, white, deep navy, dark emerald green, eggplant purple. Give me rich, deep colors, not the washed out bright stuff.


Necromancers can make evil red glowing eyes with black sclera.

some of those choices were just plain ugly on every class /armor combo i tried. some looked pretty good. pretty hit or miss.

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Black dye! …NEEEEEEEEED! :pinched_fingers:t5::black_heart: