Have another boring passive skill

as if the active skill selection for Sorc doesn’t suck enough with far too few to choose from, now all we get in VoH is another boring passive: Familiar.

does anyone else feel like Sorc is the Village Idiot to Blizzard?

source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9FGavSIesY

it would be cool if the summoned familiar is a Terran Battlecruiser!


Yeap. Even the game says they’re too uneducated to learn.

Druids “learn” to commune with nature/spirits to benefit from them and “learn” new ways to transform and use nature magic.

Rogues “learn” to hone their skills to unlock skilled abilities and get better at them.

Necros “learn” how to summon and control their minions and to benefit without them.

Even Barbarians “learn” their weapons and skills to become an expert and gain benefits from them.

Sorcerers on the other hand get enchants with little benefit and no true synergy.

It’s like they said hey stupid here’s something easy for you to play with but you’ll only need 2 slots cause you’ll only use 2 enchants for every build. Have fun with firebolt in every build so you can burn everything.


explosive sheep launcher FTW


a Wizard copy/paste with no new skills would’ve been an improvement over what we got now.

Basically what they did in the simplest form possible without the synergy or any interactions whatsoever.

except Wizard has more and far more interesting skills. it’s the sets that ruined the classes in D3.

what they actually did was copy/paste half the D2 Sorc skills.

Apparently the active skill Sorc is getting is familiar, but looking at the Spiritborn, it has more passive nodes around skills in general than vanilla classes, so would think we’re getting more than just a few passives.

And frankly I don’t really care for new spells, till they fix the old ones. Sorc passives and Paragon nodes are weak as hell and Echancements need a rework as well.


Yes sets did ruin much of the play making you have to play certain builds to be efficient in GRs. S4 seemed to be leaning that way giving you aspects and gear for a particular build through season journey. Just give aspects and aspect slots so we can get true synergies in builds and have more dynamic playstyle.

Such wow, familiar, how exciting… /s

I want black hole skill back. Sorc skills are so terrible compared to d3 wizards that it’s not even funny anymore.

With many infantry and tanks on board, as well as with air support.
And it still only increased DPS by 3%… That’s how Blizzard works.

Perhaps it’s frustrating. D3 had the largest skill set in the Diablo series. Initially it seemed that they reduced them to simplify the balance in PvP, then to simplify the balance of the game. Now it looks like it could be resold with extras…