Has Nvidia 566.03 drivers fixed crashes?

can i just ddu and fresh install ?

You can try, I am unsure if they were overwritten with some default blanks state.

I found this though for next time.

gonna see if this helps me find it, if it is still there.

The files they are talking about seem to have been modified when I did the install

D4 uses 14 GB Ram my system (I have 32)
And its good the game uses a lot, faster loading and it wont wear off my SSD :slight_smile:

Important : ddu in safe mode with your network unplugged to not let Windows update the gpu driver again.

install new driver then plug network.

actually nvm I am looking at the comitted, that would be everything on my pc not just Diablo :stuck_out_tongue:

The patch did fix the stupid “I don’t know what your settings are so you’ll need to change them on every restart bug” that they seem reintroduce every other patch.

Will that actually work to bring back his old profile before he installed?

Last week I decided to update my Nvidia driver to the latest version.

After that, the game was crashing around every 30 minutes.

Then, I did like some other users suggested rolling back the Nvidia driver to the previous version.

My issue got resolved and no more crashes. You probably will find other suggestions you can try but for me nothing worked except going back to the previous driver.

My only issue right now it’s the screen loading time. Takes a long time just going from one way point to another one. it’s just ridiculous slow. But oh well I guess its better that having to deal with the crashing issue.


Love this thread. I work the midnight shift, and just got home to see that there is a new driver, and seeing the ORIGINAL post,“Has Nvidia 566.03 drivers fixed crashes?” I guess the answer is,“We don’t know” Rolling back the drivers is what I had to do day one of this season. I guess I will try the new drivers myself and see if it works. Thanks everybody that DID NOT answer the threads question, and just gave suggestions. I will try it myself, and get back with my results.

Ai probably fix their code. You have it backwards.

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It works for me.

Export your profile before you install 566.03, it will overwrite your program settings and set them all to “use global value”

I’m getting “less” crashes, used to be every 30min-1hr for the first week. Now I can go about 2-3hrs before theres a hangup and I get booted or dropped or a message pops up. I think there is still a memory leak, I’m using DDR5 32gb ram and will sometimes get the “ran out of memory” message/crash.


Most of the crashes aren’t from the terribad texture dumps into virtual memory (there is not a memory leak, it’s just horribly coded texture management). That said, that’s still a problem and will be until the devs wake up and change how textures are managed.

As for the drivers, avoid both the 565 and 566 drivers for nVidia GPUs. 561.09 seems to be the most stable right now. I’m on the 561.09 studio driver and it works very well. Right now the biggest problem with the game client is the loading into a black screen with the HUD showing and the random (and more and more frequent with every “various stability improvements” patch that comes out…) >2 minute loading screens where the game just literally sits on the loading screen as if it’s waiting for a response and finally timing out. WoW had a similar problem and it turned out to be an HTTP request timeout issue. Yes, games do often use HTTP requests behind the scenes. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what’s causing the loading screen issue.

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Sorry but who are you? He is right and you are wrong. I am an IT professional and a former system builder. I reverted back to 561.09 and it fixed my freezing problem.

A simple yes or no, should I update my nVidia driver to version 566.03?

if ur playing D4 actively right now.
then NO

I can confirm that the nvidia 561.09 driver works perfectly after cleaning with DDU uninstaller.

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If you do install 566.03 export your profile first if you have a lot of program-specific settings, it will set all your program specific settings to “Use Global setting”.

I am having no issue with 566.03. I also did not roll back the last one.
The crashes have stopped for me since the last Blizzard patch.

Edit: How to back up your nVidia profile,

grab the latest version from github:


I just installed drivers few hours ago, rebooted and now experiencing micro stuttering effects now and then I never ever had in D4. Have to verify driver and game settings.
Dont know yet if crashes are gone.

Update: After getting an D4 Update (new Hotfix?) and another reboot micro stuttering is gone.

Update 2: Still crashing after 2,5h ingame
Fenfris Error Code: 8E4848CD-ACE1-43D6-B53C-DA54A4F8F424

Anyway guess its time stop playing this game soon. Cant wait for November, 15th…

I am on 556.12 and I am not updating until they have verified all the fixes are in place and stable.