Hardcore has truly taught me to hate D4

I greatly appreciate that Uber Lilith’s blood boils can apparently spawn in the air on some axis that none of my attacks can hit while they can still hit me. Thank you for this incredible game design.

Also, thank you for listening to a streamer that represents nobody by removing those death evasion potions. The game is completely clear of unfair and busted deaths due to enormous unmanagable damage spikes and bugs that it really didn’t need to exist as a failsafe.


The biggest proble to hardcore player is the huge spike of damage. Its like “I should safely farm this level of pit, I can killed them in 2 or 3 shots”, the next moment “WTF! how I can die in a second even before I reach to my potions???”. This show the game isn’t really fine tuned. Also it makes Diablo 4 like a FPS game, just see whose big shot hit the other one first…


Hc is a different game,slower progression is req. I think I’ve leveled 3 now to 100. Two are pre powercreep. I don’t think I have ever used a potion or a scroll. Current Hc is farming pit 61,good enough i don’t feel the need to push now. Barb so pretty tough,it might be harder other classes one shot and so on.

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Just lost another 20 hours into a 100 Druid. Wearing a Shako and probably 3-4 pit runs from being full 8/12 with over 65k HP. Went from full HP to dead in one second mid combat and no idea why even though nothing ever caused more than probably a little sliver of damage off the top of the globe at any time prior to this at the same level.

I’m very content to believe that there’s literally some broken math or poorly implemented system that’s causing these deaths to happen. The evasion pot was necessary to negate these deaths since there’s nothing a skilled player can do, it’s just a lottery where you eventually die.


I think they one shot people out of the blue sometimes. Although i have not lost a hc toon i see it on sc all the time.

My 50k HP toon bit it last night in Pit Tier 44.

It’s never a struggle or an epic battle against an enemy where you get wore down and your potions become whittled away, where you battle it out and fail because you just … simply … didn’t … have … enough …
Nah. It’s four blow-up-on-death enemies all popping at the same time while you’re stunned and you just disappear.

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You had no idea guys… I had this 48th level char, that felt BROKEN. Nobody could even dip into its health pool, all and very miniboss just melted… I was like: “Oh man, this is gonna be boring…”

Then I enter the bloody Lilith Lament’s lair, and I am dead in 2 seconds–

I lost my lvl 100 sorc with shako today due to the same instakill bug for no reason.

I think Hardcore players are a lot more sensitive to jank and this game sure has a lot of it. I’m grateful they got rid of DE pots honestly. Now I’m really paying attention to all the stuff that is busted in this game. This is my last season for sure, screw their expansion, it will just be another layer of jank to an already obnoxiously janky game. PoE 2 can’t get released soon enough.


Yea I was doing nm 28 I could fall sleep none white mob or even elites could hurt. So it was going quick run I got to boss I starting fight at first he bearly was hurting me. Then boom I died no warning of being in danger. D3 I never got killed by one shot it was my health was draining then I died I saw coming gave some time to react that could of escaped.

Get over it. Start over.

For this…we give thanks. Amen.

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Whatever the problem is, death pot is not the solution.