Halved Pit Masterworking Mats When Playing With Friends Feels Absolutely Awful

I mostly run pit solo because it’s much more efficient to farm masterworking mats on a lower level then running with a friend a few tiers higher.

The non-opener receiving half the amount of MW mats feels so bad when your friend(s) are online and you want to play together and you both need MW mats. We know the extremely high cost of MW as well, so when both of you shrug and are like “well we should just do it solo” is terrible game design.

Even alternating turns on who opens the pit is still the same net loss compared to both parties running solo.

I can understand only the opener who used their boss mats to summon X or Y boss receiving summon mats for Z boss.

Please reconsider this before S5 starts.

This is how the boss rotas should fee, too. Thank you for understanding!