Gushing Wounds and Rupture Fix

This is a long shot that devs actually read Class pages and I know this had been brought up a bunch and left unaddressed, but can we please get a fix for Gushing Wounds and Rupture?

For those that do not know, Rupture will Heal enemies if it consumes the Bleed. This isn’t a rare occurence, it happens ALL THE TIME. I would be happy just fixing the issue, but really, Rupture should never consume the Bleed, similar to how Skullbreaker works.

Wanton Rupture then gets changed. It should gain the Fields of Crimson effect which creates a Blood Pool dealing damage to enemies and increasing Bleed damage by x20% to enemies in the pool.

Fields of Crimson should get changed to a Rend Unique 2H Sword. It should have +Ranks of Rend, +Vulnerable Damage, +Strength, and +Attack Speed. The Unique effect would make Rend a 360 degree attack, increase Rend damage by x20% - x30% and increase Rend duration by 2-5 seconds.

Gushing Wounds is way underperforming. Even with extremely high Critical Strike Chance, CHD, and Overpower sources - the damage is horrendous. I have thoroughly tested it vs every other Key Passive and it isn’t even close. Walking Arsenal in my opinion is the best Key Passive by a mile.

The proposed change to Gushing Wounds. Gushing Wounds procs should be able to proc off the DoT and the initial application. If you are going to make players invest in dead stats (Critical Strike Chance and CHD) Bleeds need to have the ability to Crit with Gushing Wounds. The Gushing Wounds proc needs to properly scale and count the CHD which it clearly does not.

Further, Overpowering a Bleeding enemy at 85% weapon damage over 5 seconds is really bad. I propose the Bathe in Blood proc from S2 which would create a Blood Pool when enemies erupt which provide a x40% Damage and 30% DR for the Bleed duration. This synergizes with the change to Rupture creating pools. Blizzard needs to use the Quake treatment where Bul-Kathos and Earthquake modify each other.


I like your post overall, great job!, except for the 360-degree attack. Now it turns into a whirlwind type of attack where you basically have to spin in a circle in order to swing that weapon around. A 180-degree frontal attack makes more sense since you can swing the sword from left to right standing in place and if you want to hit behind you then you have to turn around. But I guess it’s just a video game and not real-world’ish physics (like i prefer fighting to mimic).

Even the 180-degree strike is probably hard to do without injuring your own shoulders. Maybe make it 125-degree frontal where you can apply full strength to the blow without going out of balance.

Swing in a 180 degree arc and enemies erupt applying Rend to all enemies around you.

Ravenous applies 2 stacks of Rend to enemies when you Kick them…no animation other than the Kick.

If you want something thematically different, treat it like Shared Misery and Bleeding enemies have a 40%-60% Lucky Hit Chance every Bleed tick to apply Rend to adjacent enemies.

Honestly wish Rend had gotten something like the double swing unique instead. Getting an instant 2 stacks would be big.

You have it…but it is oddly on a Brawling Ring with Ravenous. Double-Swing was already good. It really didn’t need Dust Devils. IMO - it does not make sense to have it for DS but should be WW only, not both.

Yeah but on top of that. The brawling ring is weird with its limit to once per 4 seconds. Not sure why they added that second part.

If they did not, Brawling Skills would be better at Rend than Rend itself is. With just Charge and Kick, I can spam it. With Charge, Kick and Leap, you would have 6 applications in 3 button presses and could indefinitely spam it.

Unquestionably, a LeapQuake build would outperform any conventional Bleed build. You would slap Skullbreaker on your 2H, take Anemia, and laugh as everything is permanently Stunned Bleeding and taking off huge Direct Damage constantly.