Guess done with Season 4 for now, waiting for s5

Been a DS/DD build since beginning of S4 when it was introduced. The build was able to take me to PIT 122. Still strong with mobs and elite but the bosses take too much time. Not really in swapping it out for Basic Skill DPS cause it still doesn’t make any sense that basic skills overpower core skills and blizzard made it clear that DD would be op for season 4 (but its actually mid) Probably will start a basic skill for season 5 depending on the results of PTR.
Are you guys still trying to push the limits on the pits? or you are just waiting for next season launch?

Yep and this is why I question their ability to do things correctly when they nerf things, because they almost ALWAYS go overboard and where is the fun in that. I specifically don’t play PTRs because I don’t want to be disappointed by what could be, but ends up being ruined because of nerfs.

I was done with S4 about 2 weeks ago. Did everything I wanted done in it. I had a ton of fun and will come back for S5. Until then I am playing Cities Skylines 2 (the new patch) and after that I might jump into Ghost of Tushima. It’s nice to get a break from the ARPG genre every now and then :slight_smile:

I put in 30 hours in Season 4 just to complete the season journey. After that, another 20 hours of Iron Wolves grind for Mythic uniques. Been on my Eternal Realm barbarian ever since the second week of the Season.

I log on and off to Min max my gear. Got too much gold to not try and rework every MW lol. Give away free uniques if people ask and do tormented carries. No patience to push past 130 with whirlwind build. Finger hurting from spamming right click.