Grizzly Rage - why take it off the quick-bar when activated and not grey it out?

My question is simple…why is Grizzly Rage made to vanish from the hotbar when it’s being activated, instead of just grey it out like all the other skills? When it vanishes, we are not able to see its cooldown time, and so, we can not anticipate when we get it back during a fight, so we can prepare. If it would behave normally, like all the other skills, then it would be greyed-out once activated, and we would see the cooldown time, so we can prepare for re-use…why has it been so long and this bug is still not fixed? Because, it looks like a bug to me…this can not be intentional, because it does not make any sense for it to behave like this


This x100. It really stinks in while in GR having no clue when you will be popping out for many reasons. But in season 5 it will be a non issue since eit got nerfed all to hell nobody will be using it. I’m definitely using it now on my 100% uptime LS build while I can.


I see many people complaining about this for a good while now. To me, it looks like the Devs don’t care. A case of “if you don’t like it, play a different class” type of attitude

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In season 5, post PTR cooldown will begin after it ends I believe.

Grizzly Rage

  • Cooldown for this ability now starts after Grizzly Rage ends.
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My Werebear is already weak af. Why would they massacre my boy like that?

This made me laugh. Better question is, why do they also force werewolves to waste an aspect to use it…hell even human forms. Like the inability to control your action bars is just dumb and bad design

True. Anyway, I was going to pay the full 80 euros and buy the new expansion coming in October, but judging by how long game-breaking bugs last in Diablo 4, I think I’m just going to just drop Diablo indefinitely and go with the upcoming Assassin’s Creed Shadows, which comes out in November

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