Grizzly Rage Cooldown

Grizzly Rages cooldown not activating until you the skill ends should be removed‍

With builds like cataclysm using the Mjölnic Ryng they get 100% uptime on this buff since cataclysm cooldown starts immediately after use.

Since Grizzly rage no longer gives unstoppable during the whole effect this would be a great way to keep the buff up as well as give Dire wolf aspect access to an unstoppable effect when it comes off cooldown.


Agreed. There’s no reason for Grizzly Rage’s cooldown to work this way, considering its reduction in Unstoppable duration.


got a whole video on youtube going over my issues with shred/grizzly rage druids currently lol


But at least it has FOUR offensive aspects for the most starved offensive aspect class!


with aspect of the rampaging werebeast only giving additive (suppose to be multiplicative crit damage), and dire wolf giving no damage increase at all as well just resource reduction and move speed, it really only has 1.5(if rampaging were beast was working as multiplicative) and the new poison aspect for it the rest really does not give grizzly rage more damage. I would really like to see the direwolf give some sort of buff to damage as well and rampaging werebeast fixed to work as worded with multiplicative damage.

Personally right now I think they need to balance single target damage and dot damage as it great Normal to Torment 2 but after that in Torment 3 and 4 most single target damage skills and dots just fall off a ridiculous amount being outshined by any class with a skill and unique set that can get 10+ hits in a single attack.

Yea, Druid is a mess as far as I’m concerned. There is something missing and part of me feels like they took the cooler inspired druid things they thought of to make it more fun and gave them to SpiritBorn, plus they’re giving spirit born perma-unstoppable with Gorilla/Resolve.

They did a great job with the fluidity of changing forms, but failed on the application. I feel like they’re trying to move in the right direction, but they’re unable to balance it effectively for whatever reason. Looking at the passives for Spiritborn and Uniques, you can see how they basically provided great basic attack synergies and components that would have been great for druids, or more generic so druids could use them.

I think combining storm and wolf along with earth and bear was dumb and really limited the creative/build quality aspect of the game. The ultimates and key passives are generally weak compared to other classes I feel, and I think Grizzly Rage being an active skill is dumb, it’s basically a crappy version of berserk. I love the concept of druid but I don’t think they’ve done a good job with the class overall. Spiritborn looks a lot more engaging and polished to start off, less restrictive with it’s functional components.

Anyway, Lacerate is trash and never used from what I can tell, needs a lot of love and should interact with poison damage in a nice way. Grizzly Rage should be a straight up buff that only applies while shapeshifted when active, rampaging should be generic ultimate aspect, not tied to any of them directly, Direwolf could then make grizzly rage effect both forms, not be limited to wolf, Petrify should be a self damage buff and an aoe stun, instead of a debuff and stun. Anyway, I could go on but I guess my main point is that druid has a systematic problem at the root that causes grizzly rage to be inferior.


Totally agree.

Right now Druid needs adjustments for sure and I think its just a pretty big problem overall and don’t get me wrong I really enjoy running the new seasons of Diablo 4 and brewing and testing stuff out but it still is feeling like you have to play a certain out of control build of any class to progress into the end game where I feel no how you play you should be able to achieve that but i suppose that is the difficulty with balancing but right now it only feels like certain playstyles currently work for druids more so just cause they really tried to jam so many styles of play into the build.

All and All i agree with you on this I hope they can make some balance adjustment pre expansion launch so we can see some of the other play styles become more viable.

They should just build it similar to Stolen Vigor on Rogue, every couple seconds you get unstoppable; now that you can technically keep Grizzly Rage up permanently with kills or overpowers on bosses (although the last one seems harder to do for Dire)

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Glad to see fellow shred druid lovers here, at this point might as well delete the druid since earth skill are basically earthquake and tornado from barb, lightning from sorcs, minions from necro and poison from rogues. Not to mention the new class is like a druid in a sense invoke power of animals and it’s elements.

This would honestly even feel pretty good. Just some way to get the unstoppable back up but also feel Dire Wolf aspect while an offensive aspect gives no damage just resource cost reduction and movement speed - seems more utility then anything. - so change to utility or maybe add another damage multiplier or something i dunno i feel like its not the right category at this point for sure

The way the skill feels to play is awesome but it is really frustrating to try and play with friends. Either I play a build I don’t like or class I don’t like or I can’t play with them because my build can’t take a hit and does no damage in the content they do.

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There is a lot of shred feedback sections so hopefully we get the devs attentions and just maybe they will get some balance changes in before launch of the expansion and season 6. Time will tell I guess!

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