Hello wanted to report this bug:
When activating grizzly rage a number of abilities disappear from the hotbar (this changes depending on conditions)
here’s how the issue happened to my character:
- started as tornado druid leveling building assigning earthen armor to slot 1 (following the steps the maxroll guide on tornado leveling, can’t link it). In general as abilities are unlocked I’ve left them in that exact order
- once level 50 execute a full respec (without removing skills from the hotbar) into the pulverize druid build (following the guide on pulverize on maxroll, can’t link it). Leave the abilities in the default order (step 3)
- Set the abilities on the hotbar as 1. earthen armor, 2. debilitating roar, 3. trample, 4. grizzly rage, left mouse maul (either fierce/wild maul make no difference), right mouse pulverize, in case they are not in this order
- use the following legendary effects: ballistic (helm), disobedience (body), rampaging warbeast (gloves), mending stone (legs), quicksand (feet), shockwave (staff), retaliation (amulet), crashstone (ring1), ursine horror (ring2)
- Go into battle and turn on grizzly rage, in my instance abilities 1/4 (earthen armor/grizzly rage) become empty. If pressing S to show skills they still appear on button 1 and 4 but can’t be pressed.
Optional.) move grizzly rage to button 3, trample to 4 once you press it you will stll lose buttons 1/4 but trample will show again in button 3.
Additional info: the gloves provide +2 ranks to pulverize and +2 ranks to landslide, removing them does not change the outcome. Removing the legendary effect ursine horror does not affect the outcome.
I have not attempted a full respec again but I have tried to unspec grizzly rage/earthen armor, doesn’t affect the outcome
I’ve had instances of the abilities that disappear change when joining a party or restarting the game making it very hard to determine the logic of which ability will disappear.
note: removing all equipped gear and re-equipping it fixed partially the issue as earthen armor did not disappear anymore but grizzly rage does still disappear. This only lasted till I entered a dungeon where it reverted to removing button 1/4.
A repair of the game did not fix the issue.
Having exact the same issues
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Same issue here, no matter how many times I restart the game, reload, or alter my equipment.
Same issue here. What’s weird is that multiple times through out the same play session different abilities will vanish. Grizzly Rage always disappears (I guess it isn’t really needed), Earthen Bulwark vanishes about 90% of the time and Debilitating Roar vanishes about 10% of the time. Sometimes multiple abilities disappear at the same time, not just Grizzly Rage + X, but Grizzly Rage + X + Y.
The only abilities I have yet to not vanish are Trample, Maul and Pulverize. My hot bar is set up as follows:
M1: Maul
M2: Pulverize
1: Debilitating Roar
2: Earthen Bulwark
3: Trample
4: Grizzly Rage
Same issue - anyone found a fix?
Sadly found no definitive workaround but I noticed that I can juggle around which ability disappears together with grizzly rage if I press them in a different order.
At least for me the ability that disappears is the last one I used between earthen armor/debilitating roar before grizzly rage. It’s not 100% consistent but if it gets stuck on one I unequip random items till it works.
Hopefully a fix soon cause it made me stop playing diablo 4 since I don’t want to level another character due to this bug <.<
same issue - anyone see a note as to when this will be fixed?
Grizzly Rage goes missing and also causes Poison Creeper to go missing for quite a few seconds and then reappears just before the cool down is up. Poison Creeper goes missing when moved to skill slot 1, 2, or 3.
Using Rob 2628’s Shred build (that’s going to get nerfed)
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Blizzard has never done that in the past 15+ years. Why would they start now?
Sometimes the skills never appear to then disappear. Upwards to 4 times button pushing to get things working, is the Pentium 1 server laptop sitting in a dark dusty room under some junk working ok?
Same Issue, activating Grizzly Rage causes abilities on the [1], [4], and [RMB] spots to disappear as though its an empty slot. Abilities can’t be used for sometime and the cooldown timers can’t be seen, usually reappear after their cooldown is done but it seems inconsistent based on the last time Grizzly Rage had been cast. Abilities behave normally before activating Grizzly Rage.
Only “werebear” skills can be used while in grizzly rage… hope that helps.