Grigoire Loot Table Bugged?

I have killed Grigoire 31 times with my buddies. He has dropped 24x Rage of Harrogaths and 1x Penitent Greaves. Nothing else. How is that possible…

Similar experience here. Curious, though, what level were you when fighting him? I was around level 70 and I semi-wonder if being too “low” level somehow affects his loot table. I recall a similar thing happening last season for either me or a friend (can’t remember who was affected) when running Zir at level 60.

I was level 85 when farming Grig

Same for me, I’ve killed him more than 30 times and the same loot, a lot of Rarrogath chest, some Axes, some boots, and zero Ramaladni’s.

I see the said it was fixed tonight, but it looks like it is still bugged, since the post is under Console discussions, I’m afraid the bug was not fixed for PCs


It was hotfixed early in the morning (after the patch we downloaded, a hotfix went out a few hours later). I’ve gotten 12+ today from him :slight_smile: It’s safe to farm now :slight_smile: