Greater Triune Arms Cache Only Gave 1 GA, When It Promises Two?

The item description says “Contains a guaranteed Ancestral Legendary with 925 item power and two Greater Affixes as well as a Resplendent Spark”

Yet i opened mine and all i got was Paingorgers with only a single Greater Affix

What gives? it’s not the only thing GA related that seems to be not rewarding it, the infernal hordes GA chest also seems to be skimping out on the GA’s

Working as not intended … or is it :smirk:

The world will never know…

Until next time we meet again! insert skeletor laugh

Better than mine. I got zero items with a GA. Zilch.

Things that guarantee a GA seem borked atm. Infernal Hordes GA chest, borked, Greater Trinune Arms Cache, borked. I would advise maybe not opening it right now if you care about a double GA (it would’ve been nice).

GA observations, Day 1 of patch they were dropping like candy, I have a 4xGA unique. Currently day 6 they are mostly GAx1 a few 2x but nothing really. I think GA drop rates in general are disheartening.