Great Staff of the Crone Drop Rate

What is the statistical likelihood of reaching level 100 without ever dropping a Great Staff of the Crone? At this rate, I should just play powerball.

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Dunno but i’m almost there haha

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It’s around 50%. either it drops or it doesn’t.

I got my first one at level 94.

Still no Tempest Roar.

Both items seems to be currently bugged or has an unintended low drop rate. A friend of mine who reach level100 on his druid does not have either and is about to get another level100 (purely from being boosted) and has not gotten either item.

Got 2 Greatstaff of the Crones tonight, 1 on Tier 35 NM Dungeon level 69 drop item level 793. Another on tier 25 NM Dungeon level 70 drop item level 703. Super lucky, but im not running a werebear or werewolf build, awkward…

I got my first one at lvl 62, I’v gotten avg 1 day of the staff. But it’s all RNG, I got my first Razorplate on the Barb after hitting lvl 100, I got my first Termety at lvl 92 where some of my clan mates had 5+ of the pants in their 70’s.

Very high. Didn’t get my first one till 100. That and tempest roar.

What was it all the level 20s were trying to tell us… “it’s a journey not a destination” :joy::joy::joy:

You 2 should do the following steps and I can bet you that you will have the items you need in 1 night.

  1. Create a new Druid
  2. Get carried by a buddy through both capstones to WT4
  3. Stand at door while buddy kills mobs in NMD with mobs lvl 85+ and levels your alt druid
  4. Leave your druid in the default gear
  5. Watch as the legendaries and uniques rain from the sky.

Tested myself with multiple alt accounts and buddies that were having the same issues. I have like 20 crone staves and got 5 tempest roar helms with this method. LMK how it works for you cause I believe their loot drop tables are broken for people that are getting loot from lvl 85+ at lower than level 60.

Stand in the door for Nightmares or something else? The Capstones don’t seem to give that much XP.


Sorry let me correct my post this is NMD after you get the alt to WT4 since you want mobs lvl 85+

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This might work, lol! its like once you get a low level version of the unique the higherl level versions “unbug”

Are you talking OnlyFans - Or Grinder?

I leveled two Druids to 70. I got one along the way on the second Druid.

at this point might as well add the tempest helm as #7 uber unique… honestly idc rn bc im enjoying Exploding Bulwark build too much, but if or when it gets nerfed, and the helm still hasnt dropped. im effing done with druid. NOWAY im going back to ahh pulv build until that mythical helm drops.