Grandfather or Doombringer

Which one would you craft if you had the mats as a Barb?

If ur a barb grandfather. The crit multiplitive is better.

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Woops got my items mixed up, grandfather for sure.

Thank you for the replies.

Grandfather, hands down.

Grandy is pretty much the best item in the game. So op. Wish mage had something like that but we get a spear-stick of stabbie stab instead. Fun but not really gud.

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no question about it, it has to be grandfather.

Well since I had Doombringer last season I’d go Grandfather :slight_smile:

I have both and the Grandfather is the way to go.

Real men get 3 grandfathers and then Power Ranger combine them into The Great Grandfather

The Great Grandfather (PRIME UBER)
3,677 Damage Per Second

[2,942 - 4,412] Damage per Hit
1.00 Attacks per Second (Slow)

+35.0% Critical Power (Crit chance and damage one affix)

All your items Ignore Durability Loss
100% Maximum Life
100% All Stats
100% Damage
All Your critical strike damage is multiplicative.
Increases your Critical Strike Damage by 100%[x].
Properties on all your other uniques are 25% higher than normal.

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Sorry, you’re behind on the power curve. We have already moved on to Great Great Grandfather…

OP, Doombringer if you PvP. If you only PvE then grandfather or try and steal Urza’s GGF.

Uber Razorplate, then start Duriel, go make a sandwich , come back and pick up loot!

Real men get 3 Great Grandfathers and then Avenger Assemble combine them into The Old Fogey

The Old Fogey (ULTRA UBER)
3,677 Damage Per Second

[2,942 - 4,412] Damage per Hit
1.00 Attacks per Second (Slow)

+50% Critical Power (Crit chance and damage one affix)

All your items Ignore Durability Loss
100% Maximum Life and add all your stats to your life
100% All Stats and +100 ALL Stats
100% Damage and 100% Max Resource
All Your critical strike damage is multiplicative.
Increases your Critical Strike Damage by 200%[x].
Gain 100% Lucky hit on lawn terrain.
Properties on all your other uniques are doubled.

Old Fogeys rock. But you forgot a stat line.

Core Skills grant Enfeebled Shout: complains loudly about kids these days. (cannot happen more than once every 12 seconds)

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Dint forget. I gave him more lucky hit while he is on lawn!

If he wants those damn kids off his lawn then he wants to enjoy it!


HAHA, that actually slipped by my notice. Nice.

I have a boombringer this season. The Health boost is insane, takes me from 22k to 33k hp. I have 3 andariels too and if I get one more Uber I might just scrap doombringer to craft a grandfather. It’s just that good. But we’ll see what happens if that becomes a reality.

My poor sorc is still at only 15k. I cant use a 2h uber and a 1h uber and still have access to a 1h aspect and 2h aspect. Barbs are so Crazy op