Got my second character to level 50. Did you guys know that Paragon Points weren't shared between characters?

Serious question. Is the Glyphs level also not shared by characters?

it is shocking. i really feel like i am stuck with one specific class now…

Newbie you did a necro bump of a thread from 9 months ago for that.

Don’t “bump” posts.

The act of posting simply to bump a thread is considered spamming. This also includes bumping old threads for no reason. Users who are found to be bumping posts will be subject to forum account suspension and post removal.

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Back to the depths of the forum hell from whence you came evil necro topic…I say…BACK!!!..

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Did you know diablo games haven’t been popular for 20 years so it being a popular aspect for that tiny community means nothing?

diablo games havent been popular for 20 years? yet d4 sold 10mil copies and has larger playerbase than all arpg competitors? hmm weird take

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You trolling me in a dead thread?

That’s great dude, I feel honored, so thank you.


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oh you two are friends XD?

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Not at all. He’s just always trolling me.

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i was joking, hes trolling everyone :wink:

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Ok you got me, very good.

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dont people say germans arent funny? well i prove them wrong ;D