But then after I unlocked a bunch of skill points on that character, my next character had a bunch of skill points to start out with, and that wasn’t boring
Your second character didn’t start at level 50 with every skill points unlocked. Are you talking about the rewards for renown? Because those transfer between characters, including the paragon points.
So if you want those paragon points unlocked between characters: congratulations, they do!
I believe the bonus points from renown do carry over but anything you get on the character itself through leveling is restricted to them. Personally I’m fine with that. If you do all five zones that means you’ll have 20 free points to spend on every character you make in the future.
I don’t mind the paragon tree as it is, but I agree with you it could absolutely be more exciting. The Legendary nodes are the only ones that are not plain old boring stats increases.
The first thing they teach you in game theory is the more complex the rule system the easier the outcome is to predict. As people will find the path of least resistance. However when you limit choice some innate thing in the human psyche happens and we become ever more creative to overcome the limitation. Just to prove we can’t be limited.
Not sure what class you play, but do take a look at the rare glyphs. they are a huge source of power for your character as you fulfil the glyph requirements and level them up.
I did like going from 1 to 70 in under a minute in season 28 though. lol. But the paragon…yikes. I saw a 1 million crit, at lvl 2 on my necro. That did bother me. That reminded me so hard of the jumping the shark stuff. Like what ed greenwood did when he wrote his eliminister series. Old reference I know but its what pops into my head when I think of d3 paragon.
I was the complete opposite. I fully expected them to be individually part of each character because they are integrally part of leveling. In D3 you had to max out your level, not be able to level anymore at 70 so the Paragon levels seemed more completely independent of character levels. In D4 you get 4 paragon points per level as part of the leveling system.
I guess the Altars of Lilith offset the loss of infinite stat points that you could achieve in D3. Although the Paragon tables offer a lot of opportunities for stat points as well.
Paragon points is just this games attribute system. We should have started getting them already from level one. First 50 from 1-50 then the next 150 from 50-100.